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Kanchan Dwivedi Khanduri
Kanchan Dwivedi Khanduri

Kanchan Dwivedi Khanduri

Client Solution Manager


Kanchan Dwivedi Khanduri is a member of:

Ensuring Growth
I keep an open mind and try to imbibe all the good things that I see around in people who are junior, peers, senior to me be experience. I also learn all the time from my mistakes. Try to keep abreast of things by watching and reading news, commentary, case- studies of well-established newspapers, websites and journals
Current work profile
As a client solution manager, my role is to sense the need and the pain points, if any, of the client and work at mitigating them using the IT products and solutions. Introduce the client to the possibilities that will enhance the competitiveness of the client and provide an edge over others.
Leadership qualities
Leadership is about being an original thinker with an ability and courage to communicate one’s idea without fear. It helps to be open minded to try out new ideas , after weighing the pros and cons, and take calculated risks. As nothing would have been invented in this world if people hadn’t questioned the established. Leadership is leading by example and being ready to take on the accolades and brick-bats equally.
Doing things right
There is no such thing as avoiding mistakes, but yes, with experience and knowledge you can minimize them. The key would be to stick to the basics, most simplest of things, what people call common sense and build from there.
Important decision
Most important career decision has been to follow my interest and passion. And not be swayed by where I would fit better or even what would pay well. My motto is go after your passion and interest and everything else will follow.
Advice to upcoming leaders
Leadership is all about collaboration in today’s world and not about domination and manipulation.
Handling Grievances
First would be to understand the employees side as well as organization’s point of view. Look at similar incidents that have happened in the past. Ask for expert opinion and based on the data points, share the same with the employee.
My inspiration
It would not be a single person but good qualities of a number of people that have influenced my life; including my parents and husband. From the public arena, I admire Steve Jobs for his passion for simplicity and vision and Infosys founders for sticking to their beliefs through hard times and making it work, their emphasis on ethics and integrity.

Family background
My childhood was spent in various Army Cantonments across the country. I then went on to join the Indian Air Force, opted out as a Flight Lieutenant for higher studies. Joined the corporate world later.Have a progressive partner who is of the same wavelength as me, and two kids who make my life complete.
My prospective towards India Technological development
The best of our technical talent got attracted by the good infrastructure, funding and recognition available abroad. People have realized that in order to innovate and introduce products, we will have to invest in people, education, sustained research and development.
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