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Advice Request
Kamlesh Samaliya
Kamlesh Samaliya

Kamlesh Samaliya

Founder & COO

DizzibuD dot com

The Journey So Far:
Like every other individual’s journey, my too is made of various flights and falls. I started my career with basic tools of Education that was imparted to me by my university, with no slimmest clue of what the world is all about I stepped up as a Trainee and worked my way up to being a company Associate. With several Failures and remarkable achievements I continue this path towards creating and exploring my own world my own corporate world.
Career Profile:
Responsibilities in all the profile remain the same, it is the ownership of your action that defines your profile and authority. The only thing that changes is your course of action as per the need of the hour. My earlier profile made me liable for a business that was governed by a different institution however now my profile makes me liable for the my decisions action along with the decisions taken by my team member as that is what Corporate after all mean
Prized Accomplishment(s):
My own wandering heart & becoming focused and result oriented.
Plans For The Future:
I see myself sharing the pedestal with some or the biggest corporations in India in the field of E-commerce service industry
The Decisions That Matter
Most important decision that i have made for my career is to create my own opportunity DizzibuD dot com
Family Background
Dad Retired from Central railway and mother a pure home maker. Funniest is my brother is a Cop having PG Degree in Marketing while my sister is teacher having Doctoral degree in marketing and I am just having BTech degree competing as entrepreneur with this corporate world
Advice For New Professionals:
Knowledge is Bliss do not abuse it power and keep you head on your shoulders you are definitely going to need it in the long run.
Working Life Management:
Art of trusting my team and have understood the secret of when to hold and when to fold. It helped me to balance my work life.
Role Model:
My role models hail from real life, real life that breathes every day around me. As i appreciate virtues that each one is teaching me in their own little way, yes my customer is my role model who teach me everyday how to validate our service portal according to customer satisfaction same way as my Mother who did multi tasking with such ease, she knew her values and ethics correct and remembered where to apply them in real life. She taught me how to be patient and the never give up attitude
Degrees That Matter:
Education is important asset that any individual holds. However i do not recommend any specific degree or certification as I understand that passion and belief are to achieve your goals is the biggest certification one can acquire.
Professional Strengths:
Discipline / Confidence / Competitive / Passion
Required Reading:
Some of the books i recommend are ”The Walmart way””Up against the Walmart””To big to fail””The monk who sold his Ferrari””From smart leaders to Wise Leaders”.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Biggest change that I have noticed in the work environment is that people have realized the value of team building and are now working in a flat structured team than following a hierarchy system.Bosses have now switched chairs and prefer being called the leader of the activity.
Growth Strategy:
Change and adaptability is the basic law of nature. The 1st lesson of human evolution began with a basic principal of “Survival of the fittest” where we learnt that one who doesn’t adapt becomes extinct. I have taken this principal into every aspect of life. I have opened my eyes, mind and heart to accepting the new culture, new technology and new work ethics and importantly your customer requirement and his satisfaction. Since I have shaken hands with adaptation learning is going to be a continuous process and knowledge is the only right path to right leadership.
Done Differently:
With the little knowledge that i have learnt on my way the only change i would make is my approach and perception. I would now apply my mind to the situation and work with a sense of sheer urgency. This will ensure that i am updated, upbeat and a step ahead of my competition.
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