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Advice Request
Joy Das

Joy Das

Professional Blogger

Software & Website Development Company

Blogs (4)
Job Profile:
I'm a web content developer,now employed with a Software and Website Development firm.Writing contents for different sites and for site promotional purposes is what I need to perform everyday, apart from maintaining and building relationship with the clients of my organization.
Growth Strategy:
Web content development is a vast field fraught with new challenges. Although my flair for writing has always been on health and fitness, software and website, and travels, I'm to write on several other topics.I keep on doing research and reading adequately to keep tuned with every minute update.
The Decisions That Matter
One may view it as a turning point of my career when I took decision to build my career in web content writing and left freelancing with a national daily and teaching in a school (both I pursued simultaneously). Sounding 'wrong'? But, I'm contented that I can say.
Plans For The Future:
Project Manager (Web Content Development)of an MNC.
Required Reading:
Become bookworm. Read and read whatever you find anywhere. Follow good writing styles. Practice to write in different styles, say, conversational, classic, trendy, everything that one encounters. Wikipedia is the trusted collaborative site. Samuel Peterson's "Professional Writing" could be good book
Degrees That Matter:
A flair for writing in English is what this profession's first and most important requirement is, apart from understanding any topic in a very brief time and making extensive research extensively and continuously to produce original content.Graduate/P.G with major in English or Journalism.
Other Thoughts:
When I was upgraded to platinum level expert author by the, I felt to have achieved a recognition that I didn't feel even getting my first writing published in the Times of India.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
A promotion to Platinum Level Expert Author by
The Journey So Far:
As I can mix well with people of different mindsets, I have had good experience about it so far.
Working Life Management:
My family is very cooperative and everyone of my family likes my profession. This is why I've been able to strike a balance.
Advice For New Professionals:
Be honest to the profession. Work hard and learn to remain contented.
Role Model:
The Chess Grand Master, Mr. Viswanathan Anand, is the role model, whose cool and composure outlook and strong urge to fight the toughest inspire me all along.
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