
Jeneco Jenebaby Jones

Jeneco Jenebaby Jones
M.Ed others

About Jeneco Jenebaby Jones

My name is sandera, i saw your profile today and became
intrested in you please add me as your friend

Jeneco Jenebaby Jones ’s experience

Accessory Designer   at   Tanla Solutions , Canada, US
February 1985 – February 2000
Industry: Agriculture/Dairy
Functional area: Fashion / Garments / Merchandising
hello My name is sandera, i saw your profile today and
became intrested in you please add me as your friend

Jeneco Jenebaby Jones ’s education

M.Ed [others],
others [February,1985] , Canada, US

Jeneco Jenebaby Jones ’s additional information

hello My name is sandera, i saw your profile today and became intrested in you please add me as your friend
Awards and achievements:
hello My name is sandera, i saw your profile today and became intrested in you please add me as your friend
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