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Hosamane Savitha
Hosamane Savitha

Hosamane Savitha


Hasovan Private Limited

Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
Product development requires building of an idea through lot of research and tenacity to fund and hold it till the project sees the light of the day. There will be delayed gratification in the entire process. We have to encourage young and fresh talent to build their own ideas...Entrepreneurship needs to be encouraged, only then we will create new products.
My strongest Skill
The Ability to learn new concepts and the passion to persevere it with single minded determination is the strongest professional skill.
Books recommended
My fields are diverse. The Business School by Robert T. Kiyosaki is a must read for any person who wants to earn money and create wealth. After choosing the path, the learning through reading is immense.
Company and job profile
Hi..Am Hosamane J Savitha, an engineer by educational qualification. I started my career as an Entrepreneur editing Engineering guides and Textbooks, went on to become a graphic designer and held on to my self-employed business successfully for 10 years. Then started to work as a Technical Writer as I wanted a first hand experience of the Corporate World. Worked in small, medium and large enterprises mainly for the semi-conductor and mobile industry. After 5 years decided to call it quits and started my Dream Project Hasovan Pvt Ltd. Currently am the Chairman and Managing Director of Hasovan Pvt. Ltd. Our website is It is all about enhancing wellness through laughter. There is a science behind laughter and its benefits. How to make Laughter as the best medicine and harness the power of laughter is the vision and mission of our company. It is a very innovative approach to include wit and wisdom through laughter in our daily lives.
Challenges faced in job
The role which I am playing right now includes lot of research as it is based on the mind, body, heart and soul. We have come out with Haso Mantras, Yantras and Tantras. Of course we have come out with apps and devices where technology is included to enhance the laughing abilities of a person.
My important career decision
The passion to pursue what your heart really wants is the most important career decision
Being different
Am the bridge between technology and creativity which is one of the most challenging positions to be. Being an engineer definitely helped me to understand technology as it has to be understood.
Current Trends
We are the first of our kind. So we set the pattern. Nevertheless technology gets outdated, devices that we have built has to be updated though most of them are patent pending and new updates to the existing devices will be required.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Dedicated Planning and adhering to the plan has always helped me manage both efficiently. The joy of working for the pure reason of pleasure makes all the difference.
My achievement
An idea of creating a laughing space for the pure joy of laughing and the tenacity to pursue it this long and willing to do it till the rest of my life. Creating patent pending devices in this process is the valuable achievement of my life
Making job easier
Work where your heart is makes my job easier and drives me to be self-motivated all the time
My advice
Understand yourself first as to why you want to do this job. The rest will be history then.
My role model
Osho is my Role Model. His teachings and techniques inspired me to go through the process of self discovery to become what I have become today.
Mahatria of Infinitheism has helped me to bring the discipline in my life.
Ram Sundher or Humouram as he is called is my daily motivation of humour. He is the active pillar of Hasovan right from day I approached him.
Family Background
My family's unconditional support in all my decisions is my biggest strength.
Goals and Ambitions
Hasovan as I said is my dream project, for the next 5 years to make as many people as possible to experience the pure, natural and spontaneous laughter through various outlets spread across the country. To make a global impact with all the activities and devices. To make laughter a part of your daily life.
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