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Advice Request
Hemin Joshi
Hemin Joshi

Hemin Joshi




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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from a middle-class family. My grandfather used to manufacture notebooks and textbooks and my father joined him after completing his engineering. I have grown up with having very very big dreams and I wish to make them true in the future.
Plans for the Future
I see myself as an entrepreneur running a conglomerate. Fingers crossed. Hope I be one.
Points of inflection
When I was in in my 12th grade. I grew up to become a doctor and was working hard to become one. But soon I realised that becoming a doctor would take many years. Technology has always fascinated me. So took up engineering.
A Fine Balance:
I think everybody learns that overtime.
Tech trends to watch out for
I want to make a career in almost every business I see. The quality of products is dependent upon that of the participating constituents,some of which are sustainable and effectively controlled while others are not. The process(es) which are managed with QA pertain to Total Quality Management.
Changes in the industry
It comprises a quality improvement process, which is generic in the sense it can be applied to any of these activities and it establishes a behavior pattern, which supports the achievement of quality.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
My previous profile would say that I was a student. Infact I'm still a student. Simultaneously I develop applications for smartphones. Both the things have their own taste and I'm enjoying this cocktail.
Areas for the Future
Required Reading
I have'nt read any books on this topic. Wikipedia and Google are the best teachers available today.
Most Important Decisions
Changing my mind from medicine to engineering.
Most Important Lessons
Marks and test scores can never define your intelligence,excellence and talent. It depends on your skills. Test scores are just a gate pass for premium colleges.
Parting thoughts
You are doing a great job. Keep it up. I'm just 18 year old and I develop applications for smartphones and tablets. This is a great platform for me to share what I do. In the near future I will be setting up a company.
Degrees that Matter
Your skills and experience matters.
Currently working at
Apps Developer
The Journey So Far
Challenging and full of enjoyment.
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