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Advice Request
Gopal Hegde
Gopal Hegde

Gopal Hegde

Senior Softwaer Developer

Coconut Softwares Pvt Ltd


Gopal Hegde is a member of:

- Expert
Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
We are a family of 5 members. Myself,mother,wife,brother and his wife. I am a software engineer. My mom is a housewife. My wife is in admin. My younger brother and his wife are also software engineers
The Journey So Far:
I have started my career with non-IT organsiations. I worked in marketing,admin and logistics field. I started my IT career in the year 2004. Right now I am having 8 years of IT organisation. I work on MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I have a made a mark in the field of software.
Done Differently:
I would like to become a businessman
Required Reading:
Professional series of books from Wrox.
Plans For The Future:
As a Technical architect
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Career Profile:
I am a Senior software engineer. As a senior software engineer my role involves Software design,coding,interacting with clients and unit testing
Advice For New Professionals:
Always keep yourself upgraded with the latest technologies and trends. Never give an opportunity for other or never give a point for others to blame you in the organisation. Do your duties without any mistake and deliver the things you are supposed to deliver. Always be willing to learn.
The Decisions That Matter
To keep continuing in the IT field in spite of struggling in the beginnig.
Growth Strategy:
Keel learning new things. Be perfect in the skills whatever you posses and keep developing on them
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