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Advice Request
George Kurian
George Kurian

George Kurian


Scarborough Immigration Services Pvt Ltd

Required Reading:
Management Secrets by Warren Buffet, Articles in Business Line, Economic Times etc ,
websites -
Plans For The Future:
Scarborough wants to create human value by providing seamless immigration services that enable our clients to achieve business results.
Career Profile:
Scarborough Immigration Services Pvt Ltd is an immigration LPO (legal process outsourcing) firm which is a division of the US-based Scarborough Law firm. We are focused on creating human value in the marketplace through cost effective and high quality immigration legal process outsourcing (LPO). Central to our industry-proven approach, are the Scarborough core values of trust, transparency and respect .
In my current role as Director of India operations at Scarborough Immigration Services, I oversees effective and timely delivery of end-to-end immigration services to our clients. I have in-depth experience in end-to-end visa processing including H1B, L1A, L1B, H4, L2 and EAD and led immigration teams delivering dynamic business results in leading software products and services companies. George holds a degree in law and has a post graduate degree in labor management. With over a decade’s experience in handling US, UK and Schengen visas .
Working Life Management:
We encourage work from home option for our employees , Our staff can work 2 days from home in a week . We never micromanage our employees

Apart from above we give one holiday in every month for their personal work
The Decisions That Matter
After working in Corporate for more than 10 years, I have decided to start US immigration services for corporates and individuals . The aim of starting Scarborough Immigration Services is to provides cost effective US immigration solutions with timely response and quality documentation.
Other Thoughts:
If you have perseverance and determination we can achieve your dreams .And your family is your biggest strength
Job Profile:
Responsible for managing the entire India operation of Scarborough Immigration Services including business development, customer delivery and relationship management, team and individual development and general management
Professional Strengths:
Updating myself regularly with the changes in US immigration .
Team Player
Fast Learner
Positive Attitude
Good Time Management
Good Negotiation Skills
Empowering team members
Family Background
My father is a retired government employee and mother is a housewife . My wife is HR professional working in a US based IT Company . I have two daughters .
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I was able to acquire 5 clients from India with in a span of 12 months . One of the clients is an Indian multinational conglomerate . Also I became entrepreneur , where by I will cut my pay cheque, No body can hire and fire me .
Advice For New Professionals:
Deliver the results promptly
Understand the business
Give suggestions and thoughts to your manager which will make the work easy .
Have fun in your life.
Always build a good rapport with your team members and other support teams
Regularly updating the technical skill
Role Model:
Murali Gopalan , Chief Commercial Officer of UST Global and Kishor Pillai , Vice President of UST Global are my mentors .
Both of them has helped me to understand the importance of delivery and customer satisfaction in business . Also both of them have motivated and empowered me when I working in UST Global .
The Journey So Far:
I started my career as HR executive in a pharmaceutical company . After that I worked in the immigration teams of multinational companies for 10 years , where I learned the various aspects and criticality of US visas. From my experience I understood that immigration function is life blood of IT organizations and immigration function is not longer a support function rather a delivery function .
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