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Gautam Raj Jain
Gautam Raj Jain

Gautam Raj Jain

Founder of Giraffe Accolade and Consultant in entrepreneurship, and innovation

Giraffe Accolade

Articles  (1)

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More about myself
There is a complete absence of an ecosystem for entrepreneurship in the country. Management institutions have failed to understand ‘entrepreneurship’ as they treat this as a subject associated with Business and MSME which is an alternative to job employment. Teaching management is considered a superior activity in India while in USA it has become largely ‘entrepreneurship ‘ and students and even CEOs of large corporate take it as a matter of pride to start and join innovative start up. Indian venture and angel investors still equipped with the process which is used for starting one more business and undervalue benefits of creative and innovative ideas. Students who wish to go for start up with new idea are severely confused with the response of Indian ecosystem and are utterly disappointed. I would appreciate some support in true assessment of Indian ecosystems as well as support to my new venture ‘ Giraffe Accolade’ comes forth as co-founders, partners, or investors.
Important lesson learned
3. The most important lesson is that the Indian Institutions are not the right place for innovation because of mediocrity has a large market in India and these mediocre would tear innovation and innovator into pieces even when it has become a success. I created a new venture without any funding support from the Institution was shot down after 4 years of its continued success as it had given a tough competition to the Institute’s flagship course. Another project fully funded by GoI was torn into pieces as it would take the institution away from the main business of the institute - supply of manpower to industry. I had developed a new MBA curriculum with Digital Business and management with unique set of learning plan, implemented but no support toward capacity building came forth as promoter a business man wanted to follow the same rigid method of institution building with conventional curriculum.
Influenced by
Ms.Nardos Bekele Thomas currently, UN Residents coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Benin. I started working with her in n 1997. My first meeting left a big impression when she said we do not want to fail at any cost Since then the journey was full of exploration, creativity and spontaneity. She would come up with offbeat ideas one day and would make all the arrangements to implement next day despite the fact that she was part of the bureaucratic systems. I was encouraged to share similar ideas to take the work forward and she would come back say yes, this is how the development can be achieved. She filled in my so much confidence that I could conduct a workshop for about 100 top academicians including vice chancellors, Directors and professors and also 200 top religious leaders in Uganda. One could think of workshops for such large numbers of people impossible but these went a great success. I worked with her in Kenya, Uganda, USA, Benin with similar experiences
Degree that I recommend
I do not understand this question well. However, I wish someone could come study my work in India and other developing nations and assess on the dimensions of creativity and innovation. A case study would be a big certificate for me.
My achievements
First book on “Impact Making Entrepreneurs” transform me and help me transform others; Another book on “Shaping Organisational Strategy” a true contribution of my students sold in USA, UK and India; Established a new ventures at MICA without any funding support and offered series of path breaking learning tools and environment leading to creation of new ventures; My work with Nardos Bekele Thomas played a key role in Uganda got rated highest on entrepreneurial index in 2004. A new development model spread in Uganda without any funding support; Development of innovative curricula for introducing entrepreneurship from first standard; A new MBA curriculum with the inclusion of Digital Business Management practices; Anew pedagogical tools ‘ YEMP- Chisel” with deliverable like Industry analysis, Strategic Business plan for interning Companies; Impact Makers Leadership Privileges points for earning credit points for new ideas and innovation
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
A leader is one who is willing and capable of 1.transforming oneself in the same change process that he or she is initiating for others 2.becoming a good follower of the change process in which he or she is subjected to change by someone else no matter who that person is 3.finding out who are the people and how they think and do things which are more important to them than he or she was planning to do for them 4.initiating a two way process of marketing a change at a prices that people are ready to pay happily 5.motivate and sustain the motivation for change to last for a relatively permanent period
My family background
I was born in a Jain business family in a small town of India - Jodhpur. I migrated to Ahmedabad and married in a Gujarati Patel family. My wife Manjari is daughter of a popular surgeon of Ahmedabad and has been working as a teacher of Business Mathematics in Higher secondary school for 20 years. My son Abhinav is pursuing MD and married to his classmate Ankita Srivasatva who is doing MS in gynaecology. My daughter is studying in the second year of BA at St Xavier College of Ahmedabad and active member (VP) in AIESEC. We all call each other by first name. This is to avoid the stereotypes associated with relationship as father or mother. I am and my wife are completely self made and we expect the same for our children.
My strongest skill
Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Innovation, Idea creation with visualization of scenario for the next few years, training for development toward self reliance, can create a new models and framework and make all the arrangement for these to succeed, persistence and hopeful that things will be set right in near future
Ensuring success
I am moving to seek newer set of career challenges. I am now committed to start something that will cover every activity on this universe and would facilitate people become creative achievers in whatever they are doing. I hope my new idea and entrepreneurship see the light of the day and we would become the biggest web portal in the world. Such effort will offer all the opportunity for my growth as well as all those who would get associated with me – Giraffe Accolade a new venture soon.
Important decision
1. the first decision to move away from the comfort of traditional family environment and become on my own.
2. Moved away from best institution and start working with the people who have respect me for whatever I was
3. Now chosen two co-founders with varied levels of skill sets and started working afresh for a new career
Initiative to develop a country
1. Rewrite the constitution - throw away all the provisions that allow the systems to be bureaucratic and build it on the assumption of trust. It must prevent criminals and incompetent politicians and administrator taking charge of the country 2.Rewrite all the provision of laws which ensure that law itself prevent the crime, and compensate the victim 3 to 4 time more than what is considered adequate 3. Keep India free of influence of religion. Let religion become a family or [personal affair and not national or public affair4. Inculcate health conciseness as an attitude so that people can lead healthy life without much of medical aid.5. Transform the entire education systems and which can fill meaningfulness and confidence among people of all age, community and sexes 6. Transform Police, army, judiciary and health workers to be service oriented and empowered them to do what people need them to do 7. make lives of housewives interesting and exciting
Brief description about me
I am currently a founder of a start-up company 'Giraffe Accolade' a portfolio company at The Hatch, Gurgoan, India. Giraffe Accolade offer a global public platform to individuals and organizations showcase their unique capabilities, efforts, sacrifices, achievements and gain ‘recognition’ through awards, honours, and contests and explore wider platform for further their excellence. We will do everything toward the fulfillment of the ‘third level’ human needs (Maslow) -- ‘Self Esteem, confidence, achievement, respect for self and for others. prior to this, I have been a Professor of Entrepreneurship, Innovations and incubation in top B schools of India and worked at different position at MICA, JIM, Indore, GIM, Goa, EDII, IIMA. I have been also working as international consultant for UNDP, UNIDO, ILO, EU, PWC, ADB for countries like Benin, Cambodia, Kenya, Uganda. I have been instrumental in institutionalizing entrepreneurship development activities with significant impact
Couple of years from now
A global entrepreneur who will create opportunities for people link with each other through their work of excellence and break barriers of nations, location and language. I will be known for facilitating people set new trends and impact in almost all human activity. Giraffe Accolade will be a name which will be known to people of all ages in this planet soon.
My role model
My role model has been institution like MIT and Stanford which created an ecosystem for people to be entrepreneurial and innovative. i had set up EDC at MICA keeping these institution in my mind.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Except a few institutions, most part of educational systems in India has gone to dogs - it is full of corrupt practices at management and engineering colleges’ level, supported by irrelevant curricula and incompetent teachers. We need to work with these institutions to adopt the framework of entrepreneurial universities and schools. Most learning should take place outside the class room and students should face real life challenges and find innovative solution which they share with wider group. Textbooks should be banned and current examination system should be eradicated. People go up and make career along with education based on whatever they achieve in their area of activities or interest and what kind of character they build with evidences and demonstration.
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