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Advice Request
Ganesh Ram
Ganesh Ram

Ganesh Ram

Deputy Manager-Recruitment

Marlabs Software P Ltd


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Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
Credibilityreliability – Most importantly, I needed to feel that a candidate was believable and trustworthy.
Teamplayerism – In an organization of any size, collaborative skills are essential. Did a person enjoy being part of a team, or would they rather fly solo?
percentism – How motivated did the person seem? How much could you on count them to go above and beyond when you most needed them in a crisis, or on a tight deadline?
HR Challenges:
The ever green biggest challenges in HR would be acquisition and retention. Today if you See any successful organization they have managed their acquisition and retention considerably well .
Apart from this I feel compensation, employee benefits and employee engagement are the vital places where HR feels the pressure since these accommodates are directly in sync with the outside world.
May be few more factors which can be considered
1. Recruiting in fast lane.
2. Retention (spoken earlier)
3. Advantages for Companies, Employees (spoken earlier)
4. To outsource or not to outsource.(The biggest dilemma that any HR or management will always have their in mind).
Relationship with HR and Top Management
HR plays a vital role in the success of any division or organization.
HR holds a very important role they will act as bridge or carrier between employees and management team or CEO’s.
They have to address the problem and make management team understand their problems and come out with flying solutions
I feel many times that management team will never come to know the problems that employees’ will be having, there are many places where employees will not be having any access to approach their management team ,I feel there HR plays a vital role in bridging the gap .
Leadership Programs in Place:
Below are the few steps which can be vital for identifying leaders and promote them.
The person I feel should be good in below aspects

• Applies technology to Tasks
• Collects and Organizes Information
• External Awareness
• Human Resource Management
• Leadership
• Manages Resources
• Oral Communication
• Organizational Awareness
• Planning and Evaluation
• Teaching Others
• Teamwork
• Vision
• Career Specific Expertise
Helping to develop the country
Unified approach to current industry problem what we are facing today .being a HR professional its more important that we need to understand we play vital role in balancing the harmony in the society .
Today we deal with GEN Y youth, they are highly talented with very high spirits we need to channelize their talent and spirit towards the betterment of the society.

Today there is a need where In we need to create a atmosphere where all are treated equally and one start respect the other as humans rest follows.
We need to bring in lot of value to our business we do by offering a fair an handsome deals to our customers.
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
Below are the few steps which can be vital for identifying leaders and promote them.
The person I feel should be good in below aspects

• Applies technology to Tasks
• Collects and Organizes Information
• External Awareness
• Human Resource Management
• Leadership
• Manages Resources
• Oral Communication
• Organizational Awareness
• Planning and Evaluation
• Teaching Others
• Teamwork
• Vision
• Career Specific Expertise
Parting Thoughts
Advice For Fellow HR Leaders:
well rather in giving adivce i belive in seeking adive form the every one.knowledge is only weapon which i helpfull making successfull carrer and knowlege is spreaded in lenghth and breath ..
Improving Education system
I reckon education system in India is one among the best in the world ,only place where we lag is identifying children about their talent and we need to allow them to grow in the space and in there filed of interest.
Parents need to know the importance of right education to their kids, and they should not enforce they wishes on their kids .

Good education in India today is available to only those children who economic conditions is good .they is need today that talent should be identified in grass root level and they need to be trained irrespective of their financial and personal back ground.
Pain Points:
1. Removing their misconceptions from their mind( it can be before anybody joins or even after they join).
2. Unrealistic expectations form both management and as well from employees .
Current HR Trends:
Social media is one of the most upcoming trend in HR industry today .social media had today changed the face of HR industry by its vast reach among the pool of talented people ,the speed at which its developing amazes me every time .
It can be used for Talent acquisition, Branding and marketing ,and retaining the employees in any organization.
Apart from this there are few trends in today’s world .which are mentioned below.

1. Outsourcing of HR Functions: The Virtual HR Organization
2. The Healthy Workplace: Wellness, Work-Life Balance
3. The Impact of Technology
4. Talent Management: Leadership Development & Succession Planning
5. Corporate Values and Culture
Attract good people, Retain Better Performers and Advance the Best:
According to me, there are three main areas on which to focus: the quality and market position of your product or service, environment, and compensation.

Key factors like.
1. Environmental factors
2. Corporate culture
3. Smart and Talented Staff.
4. Comprehensive Training plan
5. My opinion on compensation comes last (Pay-for-performance or equity).
Recruiting new generation:
Oh yes really true Gen Y are highly ambitious ,talented and spirited folks that can be seen anywhere in today world.
Recruiting them wouldn’t be a big concern ,since education system in India is so vast that they are available in plenty. But of course hiring the right GEN Y is really challenging task .I believe the regular interview process may not be sufficient enough to identify GEN Y ,we need to come with a new process which can actually create required interest ,once it’s done retention of these GEN Y will be little easy.
Also being HR we need to make them understand that money or luxuries will always a negative in fact on their growth graph ,they need to strive for excellence and we need to make them strive and achieve the goals
Recommended Reading
There are many available in the stores today it will be difficult to recommend since choice of the users will differ from people to people .
As I said earlier- Social media today plays a vital role( linked in ,Facebook,twitter,HR on forums many more to offer vast experience in HR filed .
I personally recommend Howard B school editorials and online new letter from them
Also Silicon India is playing a vital role in this area.
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