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Evans Kanini Kariuki
Evans Kanini Kariuki

Evans Kanini Kariuki



My strongest skill
I am skilled and experienced in reportage of general news stories, analysis on issues of the day and writing feature articles. I am also a researcher on human rights issues and governance.
Initiative to develop a country
I believe that proper networking is necessary through convention of workshops and other important platforms to chart the way forward on issues of governance to make India a better place to live in than seen at the moment.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
India is divided into 28 states and 7 so-called “Union Territories”. The states have their own elected governments while the Union Territories are ruled directly by the Government of India, with the President of India appointing an administrator for each Union Territory. As per the constitution of India, school education was originally a state subject —that is, the states had complete authority on deciding policies and implementing them. The role of the Government of India (GoI) was limited to coordination and deciding on the standards of higher education. This was changed with a constitutional amendment in 1976 so that education now comes in the so-called concurrent list. That is, school education policies and programmes are suggested at the national level by the GoI though the state governments have a lot of freedom in implementing programmes. Policies are announced at the national level periodically. Effective, people-driven, rational and visionary policies should be put in place.
My role model
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, famously known as Mahatma Gandhi, who was the pre-eminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India. Employing non-violent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. He inspired change by propagating theories to the effect that fundamental rights and freedoms could still be attained without violence and bloodshed, but through peaceful processes. For this he inspired and influenced me.
Important decision
I have always embraced the virtues of hard work, consistency, principle and endurance. I have always shrugged off any feelings of failure which have floored many in the world. Even in my profession of journalism, there were journalists who gave up and died from stress after succumbing to failure. I have never allowed defeat and disillusionment to take hold of me. That is as it should be. If you believe you are a failure, you will forever be one. If you believe you can make it, you will be successful in whatever you venture into. Life can be a big irony, but it is how you make it. Remember, it is always a question of choice!
More about myself
I believe in the sharing of ideas and information. If there are people interested in receiving articles from me for publication on issues of agriculture, the environment and business or any other issue, they are free to contact me through I can always be reached through this email address. My alternative email address is
Degree that I recommend
Degrees in mass communication, public relations and journalism are relevant credentials.
My family background
I am married with two kids with a wife who supports me in advancement of my career.Generally members of my family encourage me to soldier on despite any obstacles on my path.
Ensuring success
I am accelerating my path of success by keeping the fire burning without chickening out but by being focused, consistent, patient and disciplined. Nothing comes on a silver platter. There is no manna falling from the heavens either! You have to work hard to achieve.Rome was not built in a day, and you have to continue building the house without fail. Remember we construct our future by working today. What we will reap in future is what we plant today.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
To become a successful leader you must first possess charisma and eloquence. You must learn to listen to others without getting temperamental like most leaders I have seen. You must be a person ready to inspire mankind with modern, progressive views that are acceptable to the masses.You should not be somebody who advocates for change through violence but through dialogue. You should believe in yourself in order to influence people in ways that are special. You should not preach water and drink wine.
My achievements
In my career as a journalist, I am proud I have been able to create a legacy of hope, courage and endurance. I have filed over 5000 articles in radio and television stories around the world which have created a powerful impact and even influenced a considerably big number to change. I have received countless compliments from readers across the world telling me how some of my articles changed them and encouraging me to continue educating and informing them. I remember how some top Indian professionals and businessmen lauded me enthusiastically when I wrote lengthy articles in the powerful and influential American Chronicle, World Sentinel and World News Chronicle about the history of Guru Nanak, the founder of the religion of Sikhism, and the first of the ten Sikh Gurus.I also wrote a historic piece on Baba Puran Singh Ji, who was popularly known as Baba ji, and who was a great Gursikh, who reached the lives of many people across several continents. Baba Ji practiced the purest of love.
Couple of years from now
God willing, I see myself scaling giddy heights in my career and being a great team leader, changing and influencing society for the better.What we do today opens floodgates for judgement by history, whether sound or harsh. But we should always strive to be judged appreciatively by history for legacies we seek to create during our time on earth.
Influenced by
I stated that I was most influenced by Mahatma Gandhi for his advocation of non-violent change policies in the world. I have also been given hope by legendary writers like Bhabani Bhattacharya, who wrote "He who Rides A Tiger" and "So Many Hungers". I have also been inspired by late novelist Doris Lessing who wrote "The Grass Is Singing", "The Golden Notebook" and "This Was The Old Chief's Country". Doris Lessing, who relocated to Britain after living in Zimbabwe for many years, also wrote "If The Old Could", "Ben In The World" and "The Canopus In Argos". Doris Lessing, 94, who died peacefully in her sleep at her London home, was a great gift to world literature. The world was lucky to have her. May God rest her Soul in eternal peace. I will sadly miss her, owing to her superbly edifying masterpieces. She was a model to emulate, a down-to-earth personality, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007. She was among the best we've ever had. History will salute her forever.
Important lesson learned
I have always believed that it is wiser never to allow yourself to be overcome by feelings of stress,psychological torture and bouts of depression due to past failures and disappointments. Never look back. Always look ahead into the future. Remember I stated earlier that there were journalists who were my friends, and who died from stress, after believing that they would never make it? Never let this happen to you. Never, ever! Never let failure to weigh down heavily on you. Failure is the foundation of success. It is always a learning process. Success comes after failure. There is a prominent leader in America who failed several times and later became US President!
Brief description about me
I am a veteran journalist and researcher who writes on various issues on health, agriculture, business, environment and governance. I write locally and internationally. My stories have been read far and wide. I am striving to build a legacy through writing. I like reading and I do travel a lot.
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