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Ask Douglas G Wolfe for Advice
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Advice Request
Douglas G Wolfe
Douglas G Wolfe

Douglas G Wolfe

Professional Web Developer

Wolfe Interactive Designs


Douglas G Wolfe is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from a large family myself. I have been married over 30 years now and have 5 children and 15 grandchildren.
Advice For New Professionals:
Every industry has its own tool set and far to many workers today enter the workforce without having a true grasp of how to use those tools. Prepare yourself for your chosen field and you can then excel within it.
The Journey So Far:
I have never been good at conforming, I am too independent it seems. So I stay out of the corporate setups and work for myself.
Job Profile:
I am the owner and so my duties run more to project management and customer relations though I do still actively work on design and development when I can.
Other Thoughts:
Success is not measured where you wind up, rather it is measured by what you overcome to get where you are.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Yes it has, what was once the domain of the few who led the pack into new areas is now the work of the masses. The industry has grown and now employs many more people. Yet at the same time it has not become stagnant. There are still those pushing the envelope and leading the rest into new adventures
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I was honored to be included in the Biltmore Who's who of Internet Professionals 3 years in a row. I was also a part of bringing about today's business model in gaming online by being one of the first to use the now standard model.
Working Life Management:
With a large family that is almost managed for me. There are family requirements that have to come before work at times. Thus my work day is usually split into to segments of the day. However it is very important that you always make time for family despite the demands of work.
Growth Strategy:
I continue to learn and grow in my field. I go back to school, read many magazines and newsletters from various sources related to the industry I work in and generally make sure I am up to date on the various tools & languages related to my work. While keeping abreast of coming advances.
The Decisions That Matter
The single most important decision by far was to work for myself instead of in a corporate setting. That has enabled me to reach the level I am at. Without the freedom I enjoy I would not have learned as much as I have or been able to accomplish what I have.
Role Model:
Steve Jobs was one because he was never afraid of the new or different. He was willing to push the envelope and create what others shied away from. He never allowed himself to be boxed in by the conformists in society.
Degrees That Matter:
Silicon India has an excellent php developers course. However learning the frameworks these programs are run on is very important as well.
Done Differently:
In the early years I licensed software for my use and that proved to be a major drawback. If I were to repeat those days I would write, have written or buy the software instead of licensing it and being held at the mercy of the owner.
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