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Advice Request
Dimpy Gulati
Dimpy Gulati

Dimpy Gulati

Media Consultant

FMCG Company


Dimpy Gulati is a member of:

Changes In The Professional Environment:
My Profile although is to build and plan media strategies and Public Relation, But my profile always switches owing to my experiences and expertise.

In my present job, I strategize and plan the media activities of my Company. Besides this I myself design the publicity material for the company and present it upto the standards of the industry.
Other Thoughts:
Job Profile:
My Job Profile Includes:
• Planning and strategizing the marketing campaigns, Media usages.
• Media buying, monitoring and analysis
• Handle media requests and interviews that come in either directly or through the PR agencies and advertisement agencies
• Develop and manage events.
• Support sales and business development teams by providing strategic marketing collateral such as sales presentations, case studies, research reports, etc. These efforts will include vertical sales support efforts as driven by sales head
• Collect information from the sales team about ongoing campaigns and produce case studies for these campaigns for use in marketing efforts.
• Handle the social community messaging of the company.
• Graphic Designing (which includes product packaging, pamphlets, Brochures, invites , Greetings, Business cards ,Advertisements etc )
• Video editing ( Advertisement , speeches for publicity etc.)
• PR execution
• Media Audits
Degrees That Matter:
• VFX certificate
• MBA in Marketing
Working Life Management:
It’s always manageable when all schedules are planned. So I believe in Time management and practice it as prime necessity.
I give proper time to my professional work, self development (studies, extra curriculum like sports, Dance & other participation) Family too.
Role Model:
I read about many success stories. No specific role model i follow. I try to garb as much as skills i can from get from different successful personalities. Few are not relevant to my industry.
Professional Strengths:
• Passion about learning
• work execution with well presentation
• Excellent metabolism (energy level) to perform and work for long time
• Stability in organization
• Team leading & coordination
• Creative writing , communication & media execution
• Negotiation
• Honoring deadlines
• Strong will power, calm & pleasing personality (never short tempered)
• Career oriented- Looking organization growth along with self career growth
Plans For The Future:
Brand manager of any reputed company.
Advice For New Professionals:
• Please try to perform as many task you can do , may be few are not related to your profile but may help you to become & come out as most desired candidate in industry.
• Always update yourself with News, current affairs, , events, academic & extra curricular activities.
• Always keep your enthusiasm up for learning new things
• always meet deadlines & make your work attractive with good presentation
• Always calm and polite at work station
• Be clear & straightforward with your decision, thoughts & opinion
• Try to maintain healthy communication channel within organization
Growth Strategy:
• I keep participate in relevant seminars, conference, exhibitions & events to know more about industry & leaders views.
• Pursuing specialization course , just to learn a systematic theoretical approach to work & never hesitate to pursue part time relevant courses
• Keeping track on news & current events
• Experiment on new ways to do same work which may save my time & effort
• Meet industry people as & when get chance & take their views
• Write industry special blogs
The Decisions That Matter
My education qualification makes me a versatile, dynamic & skilful candidate fit for any media related Job. During my professionalism I did work for various different profile Like TV production & Reporting for one of very reputed New channel in nation than event management for sometime & PR for very longer duration than finally switched to corporate communication which is a great platform to exploit my maximum skills to greatest extent. Choosing communication as the expertise and creating a platform and communication strategy to uplift people and organizations. I believe being a brand Architect is the most important decision of my life.
The Journey So Far:
I landed in corporate world after having rich practical execution experience with various fields of media that makes me a perfect candidate for all media coordination & media execution in-house as and when require.
I do design all festive greetings,product packaging, business cards, brochures, pamphlets etc.
I do video editing also for advertisements & coordinate with media to air the same and make sure that we get right advantage from the advertisements and it reaches to target audiences.

I also learned so many sales & marketing tactics & working with sales team is good experience as they are also communication expert of their field with all sales & marketing jargon.

Since media coordination is my core profile but media execution in corporate is a excellent experience that also leads to cost cutting of the organization. I get chance to do media auditing with close coordination with corporate professional auditors.
Contribution to the field
• Appreciation for work submission on deadline, neatness & presentation.
• Always work well under budget
• Dynamic, energetic, career oriented personality
Career Profile:
Although I started my work as assistant promo producer with a reputed Media house in India, But soon I shifted to event management, advertisement and public Relations. My career so far has given me rich experiences in various domains of the communication field. This experience helped me to build my profile and uptake my career graph.

It is because of the diverse information, Knowledge and experience that I landed in my present job as a reward for the communication strategy and Public relation that I built for the company.

Right now I am working as a fulltime Media Coordinator with North India Based FMCG Company and I manage all communication, media, marketing and Publicity strategies for the company.
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