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Advice Request
Deepak D S
Deepak D S

Deepak D S

Senior Recruitment Consultant

Krizalis Consulting

Professional Strengths:
My strongest professional skill is my positive attitude and ethics. Although there are shortcuts for everything, its best to take the longer road and learn through your ups and downs. Always focus on the job at hand and do your best to achieve your goals.
Contribution to the field
I am currently employed with Krizalis Consulting, Bangalore as a Sr. Recruitment Consultant.
The Journey So Far:
Experienced with over 10+ years in various domains and roles from sales, marketing, business development to customer service, administration, talent acquisition including effective team management skills. It has been a rough road but worth it.
Career Profile:
What I am doing now is entirely different from what I had done in the past. I am a Sr. Recruitment Consultant primarily working with a lot of venture funded start-ups helping them in fulfilling their IT & Non-IT recruitment requirements. Being a Consultant I aim to be a successful Career Counselor.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I am proud of being counted as one of the most "Reliable" person with job at hand.
Advice For New Professionals:
My advice would be to be focused and stay focused. And of course never put a stop to LEARNING
Family Background
I come from a middle class background which has helped me to learn and value several things in life. My father was an educationist in the Indian Army (Army Education Core) and my mother was a homemaker.
Degrees That Matter:
Well there are a lot of degrees and certifications that you can get however, what counts is your experience, knowledge, skill set and above all your attitude in taking forward your career. Learning is a continuous process and hence it never should be stopped.
Working Life Management:
Well I never mix the two. What is to be done at work is limited to workplace and vice-versa.
Job Profile:
I handle end to end recruitment and handle about 5 clients helping them with their staffing needs. Despite the number of years of experience and seniority, I never cease to enjoy being an individual contributor. My clientele includes top e-commerce companies in the country.
Plans For The Future:
I aim to become an entrepreneur running my own company
Done Differently:
I think it is very important for one to decide what he/she wants to do in life. Though I feel blessed to be the Jack of all trades I regret that I had mastery of none. So my take is that its better to stick with one career plan and of course have a few options chalked out just in case.
Growth Strategy:
Continuously updating myself on the corporate world and learning new things
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