
Leena Saini

Leena Saini
PG Diploma marketing-human resource mgt.

Leena Saini ’s experience

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Leena Saini ’s education

PG Diploma [marketing-human resource mgt.],
parul inst.of management [Currently,Studying] , Baroda, INDIA

Leena Saini ’s additional information

CAREER INTEREST-marketing communication,brand management,media-advertising,visual communication, GENERAL INTEREST-teaching,dancing,shopping,self-grooming
Awards and achievements:
Stood 2nd in Group Discussion in management event QUEST 2007-08’.Stood 3rd in Eureka in QUEST 2007-08.Participated & made Presentation in PT education VOX -Populi Event 2008.Has participated in promotion team & also as a coordinator of treasure hunt event in explore2010 PARUL INST,OF MGT,BARODA.
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