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Advice Request
Cyriac James Kandathil
Cyriac James Kandathil

Cyriac James Kandathil


Retired professional

Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Honesty to self and integrity in one's behaviour are the most important qualities of a leader.One should not be ready to sacrifice one's beliefs for the sake of so called followers.Keeping one's words and punctuality are equally important.
Initiative to develop a country
Corruption is rampant everywhere in India. It starts from very low level to the highest levels here. A professional can try to prevent corruption in his area of work by not taking bribes and avoiding circumstances where bribes are required for work to be done. He can also enlighten those under him to lead a good life without bribes.
My family background
I was the son of a primary school teacher. We were seven children.
Our parents gave us all a goo education by taking many hardships and even selling our house and properties. All the chldren prospered and became professors, teachers and administrators. My wife was also a teacher.I have two children.The eldest is a girl who was a first rank holder in her university.She is presently living in Australia.The second child is MS in Mechanical Engineering and is in the US.He is working as a Mechanical Engineer in a big oil company.
Brief description about me
I am an Electrical Engineer from from Kerala, India. I graduated from Trivandrum Engineering College in 1964.
After graduation I worked in the Kerala electricity board and in Kerala's Technical Education Department. I retired in 1996 as Joint Director of Technical Education. I have worked in Mogadishu, Somalia, Jeddha and Saudi Arabia.I was part of many international projects.I have travelled widely and is presently in Adelaide, Australia.
My role model
Narayana Murthy and his wife are my role models even though they are younger than me.They belonged to middle class and got educated. Started something with an ideal and stood for the ideals.Never gave bribes to get favours from Goverment or any body.It is not an easy thing.They were role models to their business partners and those who took over are doing the same thing.
Influenced by
I cannot say that one particular person influenced me.My brother was a voracious reader and used to buy books of all sorts with his limited money.As a result I got exposed to philosophy, fiction, history, science and mathematics.Betrand Rusell is the only person who comes to mind.
More about myself
After living in many countries like France,Canada, Australia and having visited countries like Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Srilanka and after interacting with all sorts of communities like Somalians, Philipinos,Thailanders and blacks I feel that Indians are the most rotten set of people presently living on this earth.We lack manners,ethics, morals,do not think about other's rights or society's rights except our own selfish goals.
Important decision
I had experienced a lot harrassment in Government offices from early childhhod till my retirement. I decided early in my life that I would never harass the public in any way in my offical life.I had also made it a rule that those who worked under me would never harass any one as long as I was in control.I made a lot of enemies because of these decisions.
Degree that I recommend
I needed a degree in Finance.I changed work area to the stock markets after my retirement. I became interested in derivative strategies and have become quite an expert on them.I wrote books on them too.
I have perfected a derivative strategy that produces unimaginable profits after making big losses by testing many of them with cash.I now manage a big fund.However my lack of a qualification in Finance has become a big brake in my carrer path.
Important lesson learned
It is good to have a guardian angel or a rich father or a rich father in law there to help you to attain your goals however SMART they are. Most of the time external events on which we have no controls wreck our plans.I do not know what luck is. But it seems some have more of it than others.
Ensuring success
I am still studying new subjects and helping youngsters in their educational careers.I test and refine new derivative strategies on SPY in the US. I write in face book, linkedin and participate in discussions.
My achievements
I found a holy grail in derivative strategies after failing 100 times and losing a lot of money of mine and others.I never lost hope and never quit.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education system in India is corrupt from top to bottom.
People with money buy seats in all good institutions.From Kindergarden to the top level institutions, influence pedalling is the name of the game.Teaching posts go for people who can pay donation to the management. Reservation makes a mockery of brillance.Governments and institutions should be cleaned of corrupt people.Everybody knows about the corruption. But no one gets punished.Someone must start catching the corrupt in the education field and give them severe punishment.
Couple of years from now
I am going to be 72 by March.
I am in perfect health. I walk around 5 km every day and maintain a wonderful vegetable garden I cook well and make all sorts of dishes. I drink wine, whisky and beer depending on the weather.I eat everything - fish, meat and vegetables without considering the bad effects. My blood pressure is 70/120.I have lived a full life and I have no fear of death.I will continue to live like this till I die and travel more if possible.
My strongest skill
Derivatives strategies on SPY in the US.
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