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Advice Request
Chaitanya K
Chaitanya K

Chaitanya K

Sr Member Technical Staff

Ineda Systems Pvt Ltd

My advice
Initially you should be open to do any kind of work that is thrown at you. Not all will be given a design chance right on day one. You have to build your career in such a fashion that your manager/management should feel that you are capable of any job thrown at you.
Managing professional as well as personal life
I complete all my work at office. I never take home my work, except on rare occasions where I have to attend meetings after office hours. I keep my professional and personal life quite apart that allows me to do best on both fronts.
My achievement
Got 3 engineering awards (almost "patentable" designs) at Cypress. Delivered blocks on time to Silicon with only couple of bugs. Worked with software to define the requirements of the Ethernet controller. First silicon bring up for at least two chips. Architected, Micro-architected, Designed and Developed test chip to validate SONOS Flash and controller. FPGA proven ethernet controller (patents filed). Designed and micro-architected DDR3/LPDDR2 memory controller.
My role model
My immediate and 2nd level manager. My 2nd level manager has about 30 patents, which inspires me to do better and innovative designs. My immediate manager is so talented that he can deal anything from Design to Physical Design with efficiency.
Goals and Ambitions
Step up to understand much more Physical design concepts to make way for myself to become an architect.
My important career decision
Sticking at Cypress for long time made me do very good designs. Moving to a start up made me do good designs which are rarely done in big companies.
Books recommended
John F Walkerly is a very good digital design book.
Being different
Whenever I see anything interesting, I tend to think how to design it, how to make sure that can be done better that what it is now.
My strongest Skill
I am disciplined. I maintain on a daily basis what work I did for that day. I keep my manager, Program manager always in loop about things I do. This has an affect that they know what I am doing and what I had been upto always.
Company and job profile
I am Chaitanya. I have an experience of 10 years in doing designs which include Ethernet controller, DDR3/LPDDR2 memory controller, Touch screen controller and SONOS flash smart write controller. Ineda is a startup with all Indian engineers making a product, not services.
Making job easier
Open management, growth in financial and career, material comforts (that might be trivial when you have them, but are very important like having a nice chair to sit in for the entirety of your day)
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
The few people who want to make a product are heavily discouraged by the government. For example, HCL and Apple started at the same time. But HCL was made to not produce more than few computers per year, whereas Apple could produce as many as it wanted.

The effort it takes to make a product and market are lacking in India. Every start-up aims to sell it to an MNC instead of going to market as itself, to make a quick buck.
Family Background
My father is a government employee. My mother works in a private firm.
Challenges faced in job
It's very difficult to convince people that a new idea can work, especially at a start up. People want things to work. But they want it to work in a traditional and proven way.
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