
Sruti Mohanty

Sruti Mohanty
B.Tech/B.E. Computer science and engineering

About Sruti Mohanty

Am A Extrovert in nature typically freindly.i do like keeping good contact with the profeesinals of my background....

Sruti Mohanty ’s experience

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Sruti Mohanty ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Computer science and engine...],
Koustav Institiute of Self Domain [Currently,Studying] , Bhubaneshwar, INDIA
XII [Cbse],
Kendriya Vidyalaya-1 [June,2007] , Bhubaneshwar, INDIA
X [Cbse],
DAV Public School,Cspur [June,2005] , Bhubaneshwar, INDIA

Sruti Mohanty ’s additional information

Singing, Photography, Travelling
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