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Advice Request
Ashish Verma
Ashish Verma

Ashish Verma

Post Graduation

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies

Done Differently:
With in 5-6 months i learnt how to work in organization in organized to work in some big projects. how to complete that project and what should be starting of that project.I know exactly where others are not enough capable to perform well or even sustain In that situation i can work hard .
The Journey So Far:
In July 2012 i joined university of petroleum and energy studies for my in renewable Energy. till November my academic cum professional experience is good.i learnt a lot of thing from my seniors, colleague ,and professors .ican say that i am 6 months experience holder in academic & industry
Role Model:
Yuvraj singh and my parents are role model for my . Yuvraj singh hard work and passion about to play the cricket for our he started his career as a cricketer ,how much hard work he did for getting these thing . I learnt every thing from my parents. thats why my parents are rolmodel 4 me
Family Background
I am from middle class family .my father is Indian farmer ,mother is house wife .i have 2 sister both are doing sister is doing in EC and 2nd sister is in class 3rd topper of the batch.we are leaving in joint family .my parents think that education is most important for future.
The Decisions That Matter
I have some plans for my better future in industry .so I take decision to do my masters after completing my in electrical engineering .I selected Energy system .it will open more doors of success for me .i always think that You are the only one who can make your decision right .
Working Life Management:
good question for 6 months experience holder. My time management and work priority is best way to manage both personal as well as professional life.Daily work routine ,day ahead scheduled i make in my diary for completing task.
Plans For The Future:
predicting a future is very difficult ,but i don't think so. how i started and how much i learn in staring of my professional course ,one i will be representative in one of the reputed and well known organization In renewable sector. i always grab the opportunity .
Required Reading:
Books- Intelligence is not enough, who willcry when u die , Electrical machine by Ngrath kothari,Renewable technology By.VVN kishor, Energy next ,Powerline and green energy website:-,,,Ieee website,publication- TMH ,pearson ,Teri, Schand
Advice For New Professionals:
first of all select your career among the options you have and work hard with loyality for getting better future. Love the work which is you doing it will make you more satisfactory .and try to learn some thing new which you dont know ,stay cool in every situation .Be confidant
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I organized College fest Echelon-11 in my 3rd year of in iec college And recently i worked for MBDA &IDFC ,did energy site assessment in meghalaya state for their people . till today i feel proud to accomplishing both successfully
Growth Strategy:
My daily routine and priority to work,people and knowing some thing that i don't know is my mantra for a team leader ,better communication and attitude ,behavior is more important . i always care these attributes to make me a good leader.
Career Profile:
I am teaching assistant in my department as well as project assistant .My roll is very important In lab as well as in project .project planning and implementation and lab management is my current roll.This position make me more responsible and versatile.
Involvement in the Industry
i am working as teaching assistant and project assistant in University of petroleum and Energy studies,dehradun. i am also doing my in energy system .it is good opportunity to work with professors as wellas for my department and college
Degrees That Matter:
My In Energy system specialized in renewable energy ,my Post graduation degree i will recommended for my career.But My degree will give boost to my career options.
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