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Anupam Khurana
Anupam Khurana

Anupam Khurana



Blogs (2)
Influenced by
I have always been inspired by Albert Einstein for his sheer dedication towards his work and his ability to think different. We should always keep on learning new things and evolve. We work in a very globally competitive environment and providing the best product/services is the only way to be successful. Challenging yourself allows you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Whatever you do, give your best.
Important lesson learned
The basic philosopy I work towards is that one should provide something useful to the consumer as a product of the business activity. Money will automatically follow if the product or service is of genuine use to people. Also, honesty and truth are the basic traits to be incorporated in a business. I always believe in the “Never give-up attitude” mantra. It has been always said that most failures failed as they gave up just before they were about to succeed. So, when the times are difficult, always believe you are just near success.
Couple of years from now would like to be the top price search engine for India in next 2-3 years and amongst the top price comparison sites in the world in next 5 years. We have launched Android mobile app providing the users with an ability to compare prices on the go anywhere, anytime and enable them to make quick and effective purchase decisions. Additionally, we also plan to make the app available for Apple iOS and Windows phone users soon. The site is initially intended for users from India but in future a global coverage is planned.
More about myself
Online shopping is gaining momentum and has bright future prospects with an increasing number of people opting to do shopping from the convenience of their home or office.
Once keen to shop online, the traditional way is to browse each of the various online stores and order the product from the stores offering the best price (ofcourse with a name and reputation for being good). This takes a lot of time defeating the purpose of time saving in online shopping and one still might miss a store offering a better price.
Thus we came up with an idea of providing one click search for all stores so that the shopper finds the best price/deal immediately comparing offerings from the different stores for the product searched. This led us to the idea to develop price­-hunt.
Ensuring success
Price-Hunt uses various algorithms and faster query processing that brings quick search results to customers. The site also offers easy navigation, which enables customers to surf through the most popular brands, the most popular products and the best sellers on one screen. The site uses all open source technology to keep development costs under control and offer the user an advertisement free experience.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I think education system in India needs to impart more practical knowledge to students than theoretical bookish knowledge, so that new ideas and new thoughts comes from ignited minds. Certain extra curricular classes should be made compulsory for all students.
Our education system is mainly based on marks and a student is evaluated only on the basis of his/her performance in three hours duration of the exam. If the criteria of grading and marking is shifted to classroom participation, project work, communication and extracurricular performance, only then we will be able to find genuine student.
Important decision
One of the most important decisions taken in my life was to pursue my passion of software programming and computers , being a Mechanical Engineer. I always wished that people use computers and its applications in daily life and make their life simpler and easier. Hence i founded with the motto of "helping the user decide” so that he or she does not end up regretting the decision to buy anything at a higher price.
My family background
i belong to Business family background where the family business is primarily offset printing and packaging. After a 10-year stint in family business, I realised that I was not in the right field at that moment and followed my interest in computers and internet.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
People are not born leaders. There are certain qualities which make common people good and successful leaders. A leader should participate in all types of activities and should never think certain jobs are below his level. He should have good communication skills and should be able to communicate well with people. He should be positive thinker and inspire others to perform well. If they have strong sense of values, then only they can succeed in long term and be role model of many followers and fellow beings.
Initiative to develop a country
Professionals can contribute in making India a developed country by stopping brain-drain and invest in research and development. They can also raise their voice against bribery and make India a corruption-free country. They should pay tax legally and should discourage illegal money. They should also encourage people to study so that literacy percentage in all the states of India increases.
My achievements
Currently my website cater to more than 3 lakh monthly visitors and help them save money. I have long way to go as Indian online retail market is expected to grow over 4-fold by 2018 and one-in-four online shoppers visit a price comparison website before making a purchase. I have recently launched Android mobile app providing the users with an ability to compare prices on the go anywhere, anytime. Additionally, the portal also plans to make the app available for Apple iOS and Windows phone users soon. The site is initially intended for users from India but in future a global coverage is planned.
Degree that I recommend
Computer degree with knowledge in php, sql is required
My strongest skill
Good grasp of programming and hard work.
Brief description about me
I am a Mechanical Engineer from Delhi College of Engineering and currently into software development and website designing. I have a real-time price comparison website, Price-Hunt, which provides the best price of any product from over 30 online portals and helps user in making informed buying decision.
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