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Advice Request
Ankit Shah
Ankit Shah

Ankit Shah

Graduate Trainee

Forbes Marshall


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Favorite subject
My strongest subject is a very important part of industrial automation known as sensors and transducers. For control of any process in an industry the parameters/variables are to be tracked. This is done using sensors/transducers which measure the physical quantities and convert them to the required form of signal (mostly electrical). This subject drew my attention from my childhood when automation of industries had just began. My curiosity of knowing the science behind automation ended me in making an Instrumentation and Control engineer with sensor and transducer being my favorite subject.
Challenges facing by students
India is a country with a vast pool of talent, however the problem it suffers is QUALITY education. Every year 100's of engineering colleges are being opened and lakhs of students pass out every year of which only 4% are industry ready (according to a recent survey). This problem can't be solved in a day or so but an year is enough for sure. More of practical as well as industrial exposure should be given. MoU's may be signed between industries and colleges. Innovative methods of teaching can be implemented rather then textbook based teaching. Instead of giving ready made materials students can be asked to study topics from books and submit as assignments. This will also increase the use of library, which will make students equip in many different ways.
First Job Expectation
In India being a graduate offers many lucrative jobs, mainly in the field of IT/BPO/KPO. However, the three things important for me is when looking for job are as follows -

1. SELF-SATISFACTION: A person can shine or do his best only when he is placed in his comfort area. For eg, if an mechanical engineer takes up job in IT industry because of more income, he may earn however he wont be able to satisfy himself and he won't be able to perform well. One question will always keep popping up "Why did I do mechanical engineering for 4 years??"
So for me self-satisfaction is important.

2. LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: Technology doesn't stay the same, it keeps on improving. Regularly updating oneself is very important. For this the company plays a vital role. Beside updating oneself, the company should provide learning opportunities and various facilities for the same.

3.VALUE FOR WORK: At the end this is something which comes in the play. Of-course one should get something what he deserves.
Career Expectations
Field of automation is changing rigorously day by day. There are no limits for it. Hope it keeps changing so.
Family Background
I belong to a family which has members working it various field, ranging from IT to core companies, Medical to Finance, Airways to railways, etc.
I am from a well educated and very dynamic family.
Most flourishing college experience
I am a person who believes in celebrating each and every victory. So, there is a long list for this, however I would like to share two of them. Firstly, when I was made one of the Head Organizer for technical symposium. I was also the in-charge of conducting the event technical quiz successfully. This event had multiple rounds starting with online questionnaire. Due to technical problems the server suddenly failed and that time I decided to conduct all rounds face to face. Managing this wasn't easy. However at the end got applause from all which made this experience one of the most rewarding experience.
Other being with my final year project. Just before 1 month of my final project review, my project wasn't working out due to various reasons. That was the time I decided to change the project fully, which wasn't an easy decision for me but having self confidence and keeping my calm helped me a lot. After a month of hard work and 2 rounds of competition we bagged BEST PROJECT award.
Spare time activities
Traveling is the best thing I am addicted to. It has become a part of my life. Have traveled various places in India of which Mussoorie being my favorite spot of all.

Blogging and reading various articles is one of the best activity I enjoy in my spare time.

Others: Stamp collection, watching documentaries.
Time Management
I prioritize work based on type of work, time it will take and its deadline.
View s for better India
This can be best done by making them aware about present situation and problems faced by the nation. With this they should be encouraged to work towards solving them and not accepting as it is.
Most influenced factor
My curiosity to work in the field of automation and self-satisfaction.
My uniqueness
My uniqueness is the calm i posses and the way I approach a task given to me. I really believe and work according the quote said by Abraham Lincoln:" If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my axe."
Favorite Books and Articles
"Scientists Invent A Shirt That Does Not Require Washing" it simply shows that there is no end to development. Daily new things keep coming as a boon to the mankind.
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