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Advice Request
Animesh Sahay
Animesh Sahay

Animesh Sahay

Lead Engineer at CISCO


Company and job profile
I am working as lead engineer for CISCO systems. I am into web technology domain for more than 9 years. In my current role with CISCO I help developing next gen web based tools to support engineering community to increase productivity.
My strongest Skill
I am into web technology domain that includes JAVA related technologies, web 2.0 and many more related technologies. My area of interest includes designing and developing enterprise applications. I am also TOGAF level 1 and PROACT (BOST) Bronze certified in Architecture frameworks.
My advice
Focus should be completely on learning for beginners. Learning will make sure that their base is strong which will eventually help them to grow much faster and to contribute more to IT industry with fresh ideas.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Work hard and enjoy. I spend time with family and friends regularly. I keep myself motivated to work hard and smartly and get enough time for family.
Books recommended
I followed learning by experience.
Family Background
In my family all of us are IT professionals. My wife is into telecom domain and younger brothers into retail and quality testing.
Current Trends
Cloud computing. Networking devices.
My role model
I had an opportunity to work and interact with Craig McClanahan (Author of Struts 1.x) for few months. I was impressed with the way he was exploring technologies and always trying to come up with something that can help IT professional to build smart web apps.
My important career decision
I noticed that I always like being a technical person and I opted for that. To grow further in technical domain I started exploring Architecture Frameworks.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
We are mostly focused on delivery, deliver what is asked. once we start coming out of the delivery and execution we will have focus on working on our own ideas with confidence that will bring innovation.
Being different
I strongly believe that there is always a solution for every problem. That helps me take up new challenges with positive energy that solution exist its just matter of finding it. I think that segregate me from others.
Goals and Ambitions
More focus on Architecture Frameworks to see how best that can help solving problems for an enterprise in more organized way.
Challenges faced in job
Few key things that we address are scalability, increasing productivity and user experience. Considering them together and finding a solution for next gen apps to support any platform is challenging.
Making job easier
Flexibility and employee friendly policies.
My achievement
Presented on JSF components during Sun Tech Days, Hyderabad representing Sun Microsystems Netbeans/JSF team.
TOGAF and PROACT Architecture Framework certified.
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