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Advice Request
Amruth Puttappa
Amruth Puttappa

Amruth Puttappa

Systems Engineering Manager

Energy Xtreme


Amruth Puttappa is a member of:

Most Important Lessons
1) Be persistent
2) Have a vision
3) Chalk out where do you see yourself in next 5 years
4) Hear to your critics
5) Network with like minded people
All these are important to attain highest level of professionalism and success.
Current Role
1) Developing new products
2) Take care of customers
3) Making sure products works seamless in the hands of customers
4) Hardware and Software integration
Current Job Profile
Systems Engineering Manager for a Solar Charge Controller Company. Company designs and develops Solar Charge Controllers, Inverters.
I'm incharge of developing systems based on customer requirements.
New product development, customer interaction, customer development.
Work Life Balance
Checklists, Workouts and Prioritizing.
Checklists are important to understand what is in the pipeline, in this way I can put everything on paper.
Workouts helps me to stay fit and active so that I can concentrate.
Prioritizing helps me to make decision on what is important today and tomorrow
Role Model
Babu Jain, CEO of NavSemi inspires me most. There is so much that I learn from him everyday and he has taken me through different phases of startup in last two years than anyone else. This has helped to develop myself as a leader that I wanted to be.
Most Important Career Decisions
There are few, these are the there most
1) Decision not to join CTS, instead joined IISc Bangalore for lower salary and continued in the research field
2) Decision to Join Energy Xtreme in USA which started my Renewable Energy Career
3) Decision to move back from USA to India and join NavSemi
Plans for the Future
I see myself as a successful entrepreneur in few years.
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