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Ambar Ray
Ambar Ray

Ambar Ray

Solutions Architect in T-Systems Singapore


My role model
My role models are Scott Hansleman and Stephen W Thomas, former being a .NET guru and the latter being a BizTalk guru. I refer to their blogs whenever I am in trouble. I also see and listen to their webcasts without fail. They are experts in their areas and I also aspire to become one likewise.
Initiative to develop a country
My only advise is that professionals should run after excellence rather than running after success, as success would automatically follow the expertise and excellence and consequently earn respect for the beholder and his / her country men.
Important lesson learned
Yes, sure. Always worship the work, not any individual. Your actual boss is your work not any individual. Hence increase your competency and do justice to your work as much as possible. Love what you do and do what you love.
Ensuring success
I am continuously upgrading my skills and knowledge because those are what all I have to offer. Growth and development ought to follow naturally.
Influenced by
Of course Bill Gates. Because I am earning my living so far by learning and using Microsoft technologies.
Important decision
1) To leave the job of scientist in DRDO.
2) To shift to Microsoft technologies in year 2002.
3) To choose a technical career path over a pure managerial one.
Couple of years from now
I see myself as a Chief Architect of a company in a couple of years from now.
My achievements

 Got Microsoft Community Contributor Award in year 2011 with MCC ID# 4034514.

 Published article in MSDN Magazine Feb 2011 edition on MDM with F#:

 Published highly popular article on BizTalk in

 Umpteen blogs in BizTalk server forums and ESB toolkit forums.

 Got best tip / trick award for BizTalk:

 My yet another popular article on BizTalk in
My family background
I have wife and a son of 20 months old. A small and happy family. My father was a government employee and mother housewife.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education system should focus on industry and research. There should be two separate streams, one where research is encouraged and one where industry relevant cutting edge technologies are encouraged.
Degree that I recommend
TOGAF certification
More about myself
Upgrade, Upgrade & Upgrade, that is the mantra.
Brief description about me

 Design and Architecture for Microsoft SOA implementations using BizTalk, WCF, WF, SQL Server Integration Services & ESB Toolkit.

 Web Application design and implementation using ASP.NET MVC with jQuery & Entity Framework with LINQ for persistence layer.

 Designing and developing desktop applications using WPF, WinForms.

 SQL Server Database design & programming

 Implementing security using Windows Identity Foundation


 Fourteen years total, out of which 06 years as architect, 08 years as designer and developer in various Microsoft technologies like WinForms, ASP.NET WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, BizTalk, WCF, WF, WPF, WIF, SQL Server, LINQ, EF etc. Worked in various roles mainly architect, designer, team leader and developer.

 Hands on experience with ASP.NET web applications (both MVC and Web Forms) and desktop based applications as well as smart client applications using latest technologies harnessing .NET Framework 4.0, C# 4.0, ASP.NET
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Should lead from the front and set examples for others
My strongest skill
 Formulate and streamline overall IT strategy and enterprise architecture for the business.

 Align current business architecture to various levels of SOA maturity end-to-end.

 Ensure adherence to best practices in almost any Microsoft technology area.

 Provide consultancy for WCF, BIZTALK, ASP.NET, Security and address any technical challenges thereof.

 Help company / client to meet non functional requirements related to performance, reliability, reuse and scalability.

 Design security architecture for the enterprise using Windows Identity Foundation.

 Handle multiple vendors and teams for collaboratively achieving the project goals.

 Provide CI (continuous integration) and seamless deployment strategy related consultancy.
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