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Advice Request
Akhilesh Gannavarapu
Akhilesh Gannavarapu

Akhilesh Gannavarapu

Marketing Associate/Content Research


Working Life Management:
Having a social life is as important as your professional life. There are times when you get burnt out, and you need to have a good social-work life balance to avoid that. Preparing a schedule or a weekly routine can save you the time if you're not spontaneous.
The Decisions That Matter
I always believe in a purpose.There is a reason we are who we are. There should be a difference that separates us from the rest. Soon out of College, I decided to head into QuizWorks, the leading Quizzing/Knowledge Services Company in India, and it has been one of my most important career decisions.
Required Reading:
IEEE Spectrum for Engineers is a must read, to keep themselves up-to-date with the current changes in the Technology. Websites like nerdkits, crazyengineers etc give you an alternative. We have started our own E-Mag called 'QuizTalk' for quizzing enthusiasts.
Plans For The Future:
When you're doing something, you have to excel in it. That's the only mind set one should have, no matter what they do. I see myself becoming an important and integral part in the field of work that I choose. If you want to be a part of the crowd, then you can never excel in anything you do.
Degrees That Matter:
I'm lucky enough to pursue something I've always been interested in, Quizzing. No degrees or certificates are necessary, just the will to learn; hunger for knowledge, for competition, and to live your dream if you're a quiz enthusiast. The doors are always open if you try hard enough.
Growth Strategy:
Challenging yourself is one of the effective ways to grow as a person. It is also important to enjoy what you're doing. One important thing I learned from my boss, is the importance of making goals and achieving them. Then aim higher. Growing as a leader depends on how you cope up with challenges.
Job Profile:
I'm the Marketing Associate at one of the best places to work at, QuizWorks. I also conduct quizzes, and do a bit of content research. We're a team in everything we do, and so it is a team effort, rather than an individual's brilliance. We have to know about anything and everything to stay on top.
Career Profile:
My main responsibility is to bring clients. Since I'm the Marketing Associate, I have to be active in knowing client needs. Other than that, I manage clients such as IBM, and that is something you can never find in other Organizations. The amalgamated experience is one of a kind, and completely new.
Done Differently:
It took me more than a month to get the hang of things. If I could go back, I'd do things that I did in the first month a bit differently. But learning experience teaches you more than anything else.
Involvement in the Industry
QuizWorks, the leading Quizzing/Knowledge Services Company in the Country, offers quizzing as a tool for alternative learning. It is a dynamic, amalgamated company which has a strong hold over the youngsters and the young professionals. I'm the Marketing Associate of QW, as well as researcher/host.
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