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Advice Request
Ajit Kumar Jain
Ajit Kumar Jain

Ajit Kumar Jain

IT Consultant

Total Synergy

Contribution to the field
Timely implementation of all modules of Baan ERP and golive in time.
Reinventing the implementation of BI solution.
Plans For The Future:
Enhancement of current role
Role Model:
Nobody specific, follow my own understanding. Try to follow good HR motivation techniques.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Timely implementation of projects
Working Life Management:
work during work hours, relax during off hours, try not to mix these
Done Differently:
More focus on IT areas
Required Reading:
Emotional Intelligence
The One Minute Manager
Career Profile:
Consultancy related to IT Infrastructure, ERP implementation.
The Journey So Far:
I have worked in areas of Materials Management and IT. In IT, have worked as Chief Information Officer looking after various aspects of IT services and ERP. Have worked as Project Manager for Baan ERP. Also undertook various projects related to software developement, CCTV in the factory campus involving about 100 speciality Cameras, implemented Hyperion BI solution.
Job Profile:
suggesting Infrastructure solutions, ERP solutions, implementation.
Professional Strengths:
Data Analysis, Project Management
Other Thoughts:
None at the moment
Degrees That Matter:
Yes degree in Systems, Management areas.
Family Background
Wife is housewife at present, worked as teacher earlier. Daughter is CA, settled in Bangalore. Son-in-law working as marketing professional with Intel.
Advice For New Professionals:
Serious about the job, be innovative and hard work
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