
Vineet Kumar Yadav

Vineet Kumar Yadav
B.Tech/B.E. information technology

About Vineet Kumar Yadav

am very optimistic and sometimes u can call very emotional when it comes to frnds i can dissolve like solute in any solution means in any situation more my frnds will tell bcoz ur frnds knw ur beeter than u

Vineet Kumar Yadav ’s experience

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Vineet Kumar Yadav ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [information technology],
Vignan Institute of Technnology and management,bherhampur,Orissa [Currently,Studying] , Bhubaneshwar, INDIA

Vineet Kumar Yadav ’s additional information

m very interested in making software ,which can be use by the common people all over world , and lot more to learn to explore my innovative ideas
Awards and achievements:
m in way ,giving my best ,let see in future
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