
Neelesh Damodar Kamath

Neelesh Damodar Kamath
B.Tech/B.E. Computer Science

About Neelesh Damodar Kamath

"honest,intelligent,hardwork is the sure way to success"
is my principle.i like to work in a hobby is listening to music as it refreshes our
workloaded mind.i also love sports especially strength is my family members.i have a very big friend circle,i am very jovial and soft career objective is to get selected in a
reputed company.

Neelesh Damodar Kamath ’s experience

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Neelesh Damodar Kamath ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [Computer Science],
Bangalore Institute of Technology [Currently,Studying] , INDIA

Neelesh Damodar Kamath ’s additional information

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