
Mohammed Abdul Muqeet

Mohammed Abdul Muqeet
Mechanical Engineer
MBA/PGDM Project Management

About Mohammed Abdul Muqeet

A Mechanical Building services engineer having demonstrable design experience in the Mechanical aspects of Building services engineering. Possess an awareness and interest in the principles of sustainable design. Committed to Continuing Professional Development and learning. A graduate member of Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers(CIBSE ,UK) presently pursuing for Chartered engineer

Mohammed Abdul Muqeet ’s experience

Design Engineer   at   SSCL , Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
January 2006 – Currently Working
Industry: Construction/Engineering/Cement/Metals
Functional area: Engineering Design / R and D
Design engineer for Mechanical Building services

Mohammed Abdul Muqeet ’s education

MBA/PGDM [Project Management],
Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. [Currently,Studying] , Chennai, INDIA
B.Tech/B.E. [Mechanical engineering],
Osmania University, Hyderabad [May,1997] , Hyderabad, INDIA

Mohammed Abdul Muqeet ’s additional information

Technology,Design,Leadership essentials, professional networking, music
Awards and achievements:
Self confidence and a small network of exceptional friends
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