
Salbin Augustine

Salbin Augustine
Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engg.

About Salbin Augustine

# I would like to introduce myself and my personal values #
I am working in Dubai, UAE. And I specialized in Electrical Construction and Maintenance Engineering.
My ambition is to be live as a human being (with out any tension) through out my life with peace and passion; but we know very well…it is impossible….
I like to develop my selected friend circle.
I like to speak to the person; who can understand me….
I like to be a silent person in the work place….And just opposite in the real life..
I always used to separate my work place and real life…..But I like to keep limited friends in my work place…
I believe in Christianity and god; But not in the cast and religion.
I am not interested to depend on anyone…I like to be honest with out fear.
I believe in the personal values more than money, fashion and power.
My hobbies: listening music, Jock, watching movie, reading, speak with my friends and driving Bike in over speed.

Salbin Augustine ’s experience

Professional (e.g. Engg., IT Developer, Marketing Executive etc.)   at   Laing O'Rourke , Dubai, UAE
October 2008 – Currently Working
Industry: Construction/Engineering/Cement/Metals
Functional area: Site Engineering / Project Management
Estmation, Project Design and Exicution

Salbin Augustine ’s education

Engineering [Electrical and Electronics ...],
Bangalore Technical Board of Education [June,1999] , Bangalore, INDIA

Salbin Augustine ’s additional information

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