
Priya Roy

Priya Roy
Associate Manager

Priya Roy ’s Blogs

The premier Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur is the best technology school in the country fol...more >>
The 71-year-old chairman of Tata Group, which makes nearly everything from salt to steel to luxury cars, tol...more >>

About Priya Roy

Simplwell i blv in simplicity but being smart in my own ways.

Priya Roy ’s experience

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Priya Roy ’s education

C.R.C. collage [July,2005] , Guwahati, INDIA

Priya Roy ’s additional information

passions: dancing,listening music sports: badminton,indoor games except cards activities: i am a member of red cross.can u be one!!!!!!! books: Five point someone,1 n9 @ call center, other side of the midnight music: slow or totally rocking song tv shows: no tv movies: kkhh,hahk,tumbin,
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