
Pradeep Reddy Boppidi

Pradeep Reddy Boppidi
Management student
PG Diploma Infrastructure management (te...

About Pradeep Reddy Boppidi

I am an Infrastructure management student from ESCI, Hyderabad. Basically, I am AN electronicas and communications engineer and looking forward to have a great part in Indian telecom infrastructure which is now considered as basic infrastructure for any sector. And as a manager I would like to manage the "change".

Pradeep Reddy Boppidi ’s experience

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Pradeep Reddy Boppidi ’s education

PG Diploma [Infrastructure management (...],
Engineering Staff College of India [Currently,Studying] , Hyderabad, INDIA
B.Tech/B.E. [Electronics and Communications],
Swami Vivekananda Institue of Technology [April,2009] , Hyderabad, INDIA

Pradeep Reddy Boppidi ’s additional information

Technology Management, Match analysis and etc,.
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