
Malavika Akhilesh

Malavika Akhilesh
Software engineer
M.Sc Computer Science

Malavika Akhilesh ’s experience

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Malavika Akhilesh ’s education

M.Sc [Computer Science],
B.Sc [Computer Applications],
St.Teresa's College, Ernakulam [May,2009] , Ernakulam, INDIA
XII [Computer Science],
Sacred Heart Higher Secondary School, Ernakualm [March,2006] , Ernakulam, INDIA
Nirmala Bhavan Higher Secondary School, Thiruvananthapuram [March,2004] , Trivandrum

Malavika Akhilesh ’s additional information

Awards and achievements:
Program Coordinator for the Computer Department Fest, Tecnica Fete 09, Treasurer of the Computer department St.Teresa's College. Merit Scholarship for the best academic performance for the years 2009-2011 in VIT Published a paper in the IJCIS,Edition July 2011 Volume 3 No:1.
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