
Vijaya Madhusudan Guniputi

Vijaya Madhusudan Guniputi
Transporation Engineer
M.Tech Transportation Engineer

About Vijaya Madhusudan Guniputi

I am Madhu.

Born in Razampet,Kadapa

Brought up in Tirupati

Highschooling in Tirupati

Graduated in the year 2003 in civil engineering discipline and completed my post graduation in 2006 in Transportation Engineering from IIT Madras.

Currently working in Dar, Beirut, Lebanon as Transportation Engineer

Likes:Researching topics related to my field, exploring historic places


Vijaya Madhusudan Guniputi ’s experience

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Vijaya Madhusudan Guniputi ’s education

M.Tech [Transportation Engineer]
B.Tech/B.E. [Civil Engineering]

Vijaya Madhusudan Guniputi ’s additional information

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