
Anil Kumar Jangra

Anil Kumar Jangra
B.Tech/B.E. CSE

About Anil Kumar Jangra

I am a B Tech Fresher from CSE and currently looking for job in Software field. I know Core java well and c,c++,oops,Mysql,Windows.

Anil Kumar Jangra ’s experience

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Anil Kumar Jangra ’s education

B.Tech/B.E. [CSE],
Maharishi Markendeshwar Engineering College Mullana Ambala(Haryana) [July,2011] , Ambala, INDIA
3-Year Polytechnic Diploma [Information Technology],
CDL Govt. Polytechnic Nathusari Chopta Sirsa(Haryana) [August,2008] , Sirsa, INDIA
Govt. Senior Secondary School Sanwar Bhiwani(Haryana) [May,2005] , INDIA
2 Year ITI Diploma [INDIA],
Govt. I.T.I. Bhiwani (Haryana) [August,2003] , Bhiwani, Electrician
B.S.N. High School Sanwar Bhiwani(Haryana) [May,2001] , Bhiwani, INDIA

Anil Kumar Jangra ’s additional information

searching about New technologies and surfing to net in my free time. I used to chat with my friends on facebook when i feel bore. Watching Cricket and Sachin Tendulkar Is my favorite.
Awards and achievements:
1. Topper of my Diploma Batch in polytechnic. 2. Won first prize in comedy Event during Engineering. 3.Active Member of my diploma and degree's cricket team and cult. Events.
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