
Devesh Sardana

Devesh Sardana
Assistant Manager

Devesh Sardana ’s experience

Assistant Manager   at   SSIPL Retail Ltd , Delhi / NCR
o Conducting stock Audit of Warehouse, Corporate Stores and Shops
and ensure proper steps for preventing loss. o Responsible for
Inventory Management Shrinkage Control, Inventory turn around,
formulating Accounting Procedures and year end Inventory
Valuation. o Sales and Stock Analysis movement
controls o Effectively control warehouse movement and ensuring
timely delivery of the stock to the respective stores. o Analyze
the loss of merchandise in transit and ensure proper measures are
adopted to reduce and control it. o Plan warehouse control,
stock control and inventory valuation.

Devesh Sardana ’s education

B.Com(P) [2004/June] , Delhi

Devesh Sardana ’s additional information

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