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How to Solve double Left outer Join for same Table


Kindly give solution for the following Qry:

SELECT tindid, tindmatquantity, tindapprovedqty, tindintendeddate,
tindmaterialreqdate, mstatusdiscription, tindispmapproval, tindremarks, mbrncode, mmatname, mmatid, mstmstockonhand AS centralstock
FROM pastindent, commbranch, pasmmaterial, pasmstatus, pasmstockmaster where
(tindstsid = 'IAIA' AND tindispmapproval = '1'
OR tindstsid= 'IAGM' AND tindispmapproval = '2'
OR tindstsid = 'IRSM')
AND tindbrnid = mbrnid
AND tindmatid = mmatid
AND tindstsid = mstsid
AND tindmatid = mstmmatid(+)
AND mstmbrnid(+) = 'BC017'
AND tindtobrnid = 'BC001'
ORDER BY tindintendeddate, tindid

here mstmmatid and mstmbrnid is from same table.
Kindly help me to solve this.
Thanks in Advance
Asked by sathish kumar A | Jun 9, 2015 |  Reply now
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