Top 5 Mobile Security Apps For Women

 Nirbhaya app

Nirbhaya is a free smartphone application, launched by a pune based IT Company SmartCloud Infotech. It was developed after the terrifying Delhi rape case in December 2012. Nirbhaya app enables the users to send distress messages or calls to the contact list during an emergency situation. It will send an alert through calls, SMS, or Fcaebook updates with the specified location to the configured lists using Global Positioning System. Users can configure their own contact lists of friends, relatives or police. This app can also be used in the emergency situations such as accident, attempted molestation, family emergency, or any other emergency using pre-defined messages. Nirbhaya is compatible with iOS and Android devices. By clicking on Nirbhaya short-cut hot key on mobile screen, users can seek help during an emergency situation with more accurate location updates.

YWCA Safety Alert

YWCA Safety Alert is developed with the intention of enhancing the safety measures of women at any time. By shaking your device or just tapping on the power button you can activate the alarm during an emergency situation. It will trigger a loud noise to attract the attention of the onlookers within your vicinity.  This app not only makes alarm, it can also send distress emails or SMS to the selected contacts. Users can also make emergency calls to the configured contacts. GPS in your device can record your accurate location, and this will be displayed along with your distress emails or notification messages. This app is available for free download from the App store.

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