These Mouth-Watering Indian Snacks are Inevitable On a Rainy Day

6. Bhutta

The roasted corn named ‘Bhutta’ in India is one of the most popular and favourite road side snack for the Indians. Unlike other snacks, corn is healthy and cheap and is available in plenty across Indian raodsides. The roasted corn is a perfet tea time snack for the calorie consious buddies to enjoy the monsoon rains with a healthy diet.

7. Banana Fry

Popularly known by the name ‘Pazampori,’ the ripe banana fry is one of the traditional and favourite tea time snacks for keralites. This golden brown and crispy kerala snacks are made with ripe bananas coated in a batter and deep fried in coconut oil. Kerala being the land well known for the rainy evenings, some delicious kerala pazampori with a hot cup of tea is insepearable for a malayali. 

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