Ericsson, Volvo Developing Intelligent Media Streaming For Cars

“This requires an innovative connectivity, cloud and analytics solution that is not only capable of serving multiple moving vehicles across a highway, but also has the capacity to provide the high quality, uninterrupted video service.” Herlitz added.

Future Volvo cars will provide a one-click navigation with customised media list by learning the most common routes and travel times to enable a customer to choose a route and select content tailored to the amount of autonomous time available during that commute, the statement said.

“If you want to watch the latest episode of your favourite series, the car will know how long the journey needs to take and can optimise the route and driving control accordingly. With autonomous drive it is no longer just a question of just getting from A to B quickly – it’s about the experience you wish to have in the car – how you wish to spend the time you are saving,” the statement added.

It was just yesterday that Nvidia has unveiled a new, lunchbox-size super-computer for self-driving cars and said that the Volvo Car Group will be the new device’s first customer. Nvidia made its announcement at the beginning of the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) 2016 in Las Vegas detailing its new Drive PX 2 autonomous drive computer.

Source: IANS