What is Test Tube Baby? An Introduction!

There are many couples out there who find it difficult to conceive a baby. Well, there are several reasons that contribute to this ever increasing problem. Poor eating habits, stress and lifestyle are some of the main factors that contribute to this problem. However, instead of being hopeless, you can now consider consulting a fertility specialist who would help you understand what is test tube baby?

Test Tube Baby and IVF - A Glance

There are many people who wonder what IVF and test tube baby. Well, both these terms are related. It is here that we explain these terms to you. Test tube baby refers to a term used for a child that is conceived outside the body of a woman by a scientific procedure known as In-Vitro Fertilization, also known as IVF Treatment. This entire procedure is done in a laboratory. In this process of IVF, eggs from the ovary of a mother are taken and fertilized by the father’s sperm.

Then the fertilized eggs are cultured for two to six days and allowed to be divided two to four times inside a test tube, thus the name test tube baby. These eggs are then implanted back into the uterus of a mother where it can develop normally. This is done with the sole intention for establishing and ensuring a successful pregnancy.

Test Tube Baby - A Major Breakthrough in Medical Science

The breakthrough in the medical science has made it possible for many women to overcome the problem of infertility and cherish the wonderful moments of motherhood.  It is now possible to get pregnant and give birth to healthy babies.

The First Test Tube Baby

 It was in the year 1978 that the first test tube baby was born. Gynecologist Patrick Steptoe and scientist Robert Edwards were the two experts responsible for this breakthrough. Louise Brown, the first test tube baby was born in in England in the year 1978. And, since then many couple have experienced the joy of parenthood through this process. It was in year 2010 that Robert G. Edwards was conferred the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology for developing the treatment of IVF.

Test Tube Baby - A Ray of Hope for Many Couples!

There is no doubt that the IVF treatment has now infused hope to become a parent in many couples who are suffering from the problem of fertility. Since the first test tube baby in 1978 till the recent times, millions of kids have been born with the help of this treatment. If you are considering test tube baby then make sure you choose the best test tube baby clinic for the IVF treatment. The results of the treatment depend on the experience and expertise of the fertility specialists so make the decision wisely.