Most Recommended Positions to Sleep on a Mattress

You know how miserable you can feel in the morning after you “sleep wrong.” Stiff neck, knotted shoulders, a tight and sore back, and leg cramps are just some of the complaints that you may have.

Most Recommended Positions to Sleep on a Mattress

Here we will show you how to mitigate these issues and get a wonderful night’s rest on mattress by adopting the ideal sleeping position. We first came across this on Mattress Matchers reviews website and finally kiss restless nights and miserable mornings good- bye by changing your position.

Types of Positions

  • Supine, or back sleepers. These people tend to sleep flat on their backs. They gain the most mattress support and even fewer facial wrinkles, but have the rightest rates of snoring!
  • Side sleepers. These people tend to favor their right or left side and this position is recommended for pregnancy. However, it can lead to issues with the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
  • Stomach sleepers. Sleeping on the stomach is generally the best for easing snoring, but the con is that it flattens the natural curve of the spine and thus can lead to troublesome back pain.
  • The toss and turn sleepers. These people will toss and turn, taking on various sleeping positions throughout the night. They gain both the pros and cons of all sleeping positions. Their restlessness can contribute to insomnia.

What Position is Best?

Out of the four positions above, pros and cons abound. The best sleeping position depends on the issues that you face and the position that brings you the most comfort.

  • Back pain. For back pain sufferers, try sleeping on your back. This will allow your mattress to support you properly, which can diminish back pain.
  • Hip and shoulder pain. These types of pain can be exacerbated by sleeping on your side or stomach. Try sleeping on your back instead.
  • Neck pain. Neck pain is typically caused by holding your neck at an upward or downward incline and is more related to your pillow than your sleep position. Try sleeping on your back or side and use a flat, firm pillow that is not too stiff.
  • Leg cramps. These can be worsened with side sleeping so try sleeping on your back or belly.
  • Snoring. If you snore, try sleeping on your side. But if sleeping on your side hurts your back or hips, try sleeping on your back and using a snoring aid to combat this noisy issue.
  • Sleep apnea. Again, sleeping on your side can help you if you suffer from sleep apnea, a condition where you cease normal respirations at night. You may also consider talking to your doctor about adding a CPAP to your nightly routine.
  • Insomnia. It is best to find the position that is the most comfortable for you. Comfort will bring about the relaxation that allows you to shut off your mind and fall fast asleep.

How Can I Change My Sleeping Position?

When you sleep, you are not hyperaware of your position. Even if you try to force a position, you may revert to your natural sleeping position preference in the midst of deep sleep.

But it is more than possible to change your sleeping position.

  • Do you need to change? Only change your sleep position if you are enduring a serious issue that other tips, such as selecting a better mattress or pillow, cannot mitigate.
  • Always lay down in your new position.
  • If you wake up in a different position, reposition yourself to train your body.
  • Pile pillows around your body to encourage it to take on this new position.

Changing your sleeping position may be the best thing that you have ever done for your sleep. If you suffer from pain that will not go away with a better mattress, then consider adjusting your sleeping position instead. Sleeping on your back is generally best, but it really depends on your individual needs.

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