8 Exceptional Beauty Pageants Of 2014

  1. Ms Nursing Home Alabama

Ms Nursing Home Alabama is a contest held for women with the best attitude towards. The event was held for the elderly where women were judged on having a positive approach in life.  Edna Farrell, 89, stood victorious over 58 contestants, taking home the winning title of '2014 Ms Nursing Home Alabama'. They were also judged on alertness, personality, ability to be happy within a nursing home and what their positive deeds towards others.

  1. Miss Hitler beauty pageant

 A Nazi-inspired beauty pageant known as Miss Hitler 2014 is aimed for proud, beautiful anti-Semitic women. The entrants are expected to post selfies to Russian social media site and must include the reasons why they look up to Adolf Hitler thereby taking this beauty pageant to a whole new level of bizarreness. It is belived that at least 14 from Russia and Eastern Europe have already entered the competition


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