One Million Chinese Die of Smoking Annually

China, which has a third of the world's total smoking population, witnesses over one million deaths from smoking-related diseases annually.

Monday, 27 February 2012, 05:00 Hrs

Rajasthan Bans Fast Foods in College Canteens

The Rajasthan government has asked all state-run colleges to ban sale of junk foods including pizzas, burgers and cold drinks on their premises,

Monday, 27 February 2012, 04:58 Hrs

Deadly Toxins in Shark Fin Soup Linked to Alzheimer's

The growing demand for shark fin soup is not only endangering the marine species, but is also a deadly threat to brain health because of high...

Monday, 27 February 2012, 04:57 Hrs

Potency Wrecking Compound Linked to Heart Disease

Scientists are now suspecting that toxic chemical BPA, known to wreck male potency, may also be linked to heart disease.

Monday, 27 February 2012, 04:55 Hrs

Some Probiotics Better in Surviving, Promoting Health

Probiotics are bugs known to promote health, but only some are able to survive the harsh environment of the human digestive tract.

Tiny Diagnostic Device can Navigate Bloodstream

Delhi Metro Instals Equipment to Handle Cardiac Arrests

'Ensure Regular Vaccination to Make India Polio Free'

Eating Citrus Fruit may Lower Stroke Risk

First Vaccine Against kala Azar Ready for Trial

The first ever vaccine to prevent kala azar, or visceral leishmaniasis (VL), the world's second largest parasitic killer after malaria, is entering dual c

Injectable Gel to Heal Damaged Hearts

AIIMS Surgeons Remove 8-kg Hernia from 2-month-old's Head

IGNOU Centres to be More Disabled-Friendly