'India Must Remain Vigilant Against Polio'

Though India has not reported a single case of polio in the past two years, there is no room for complacency as the virus still exists in some...

Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 13:09 Hrs

Egg White Component Lowers Blood Pressure

A study by American scientists presented Wednesday supports the view that a substance in egg white has the ability to lower blood pressure without...

Wednesday, 10 April 2013, 13:07 Hrs

'Laziness Linked to Genes'

New research from the University of Missouri suggests certain genetic traits may predispose people to being more or less motivated to exercise and...

Tuesday, 09 April 2013, 12:21 Hrs

Reel to Real: A Device to 'see' Your Dreams

Real life dream catcher! Scientists have designed the world's first inception-style 'dream reader' that can decode your dreams with reasonable...

Monday, 08 April 2013, 11:31 Hrs

Soon, an Oxygen-Emitting Pillow that Fights Germs

Researchers have designed a unique oxygen-emitting cellular pillow that could help people sleep well by filtering out air toxins.

10 Best Cars for Indian Roads

Take a Bite of These Unbelievably Expensive Foods!

Zapping Brain With Magnets May Cure Cocaine Addiction

If Childless, Men are More Depressed than Women

Do Aliens Exist? Answer May Lie in Our Genes

The answer to whether alien life exists may be hiding inside our own body!

Feeling Hungry May Protect Brain Against Alzheimer's

Changes in Food Habits can Impact Genes