What's the Difference Between Front-End and Back-End Specialized Development?

What's the Difference Between Front-End and Back-End Specialized Development?

Web Development has 2 very important terms: front-end and back-end development. During the creation of a website, the front-end developers concern themselves with the page's visible aspects and user interface. At the same time, the back end-developers are responsible for the infrastructure of the site.

The back-end is also known as server-side, and the front-end is the same as client-side development. Both of them are essential to creating a well-functioning and aesthetically pleasing website. They cover the 2 different career options, salaries, and the technology that the software developer may use. Let’s see them in more detail.

Front-End Development

Client-side rendering or front-end development is the latest form of development. In it, the work takes place in the user's computer most commonly using JavaScript instead of a remote server. The server only creates the database and presents the application, while the browser will work to bring the application to its completion in HTML.

The presentation logic used to display the website is also handled on the client side. Most front-end web developers use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and client-side JavaScript libraries such as Angular, React, Stencil, and Vue. HTML is the Hypertext Markup Language, a defining aspect of a website's operations and design.

Cascading Style Sheets or CSS allows users to describe how they want the HTML to look, and JavaScript allows the user to interact with elements other than HTML. Potential careers associated with front-end development include:

  • A Front-end engineer or developer creates websites that don’t need to have any back-end development. These websites don’t require the storage of any form of information in their database. These sites are also known as static sites, which are simple, non-interactive sites.

    The pages of the website usually stay in the same manner unless they require a redesign. A front-end engineer should have good knowledge of testing, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Web designers are responsible for producing and maintaining websites. There are various types of web designers. Some of them may work with design tools such as Photoshop and not get involved in the code and logic. Other web designers, however, may be responsible for the design and the code, logic, algorithms, and everything associated with the HTML and CSS of the website.
  • User interface (UI) designers: They are visual designers responsible for creating interactive programs to enhance the interface of the website. They should be aware of coding such as HTML and CSS to enhance the customer's experience and create better communication between the brand and the user.
  • User experience (UX) designers: UX designers work at the forefront of websites and applications. They need to ensure that the website is user-friendly by researching how the target audience interacts with websites.

Back-End/Server-Side Development

While front-end development focuses on the forefront of the website, the back-end is all about what happens behind the scenes in the making of the website. This aspect of a web page is responsible for searching stored data and delivering it to the front. Back-end developers work with databases, back-end logic, APIs, algorithms, and servers.

Back-end developers also create services for processing resources such as databases, file servers, cloud services, and more. All of these services are essential in the formation of a web page. The back-end of a website is a combination of servers, applications, and databases.

Back-end developers create apps that render on the server-side. They use the same building blocks as front-end developers. That means that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript aren’t only used by front-end developers but by back-end developers as well.

They also work with software stacks—components working collectively to support an application, including programming APIs, web servers, mark-up language, operating systems, etc. Back-end devs use all of the listed software in making server-side websites, services, and applications.

Full-Stack Development

Developers that don’t want to specialize in either front or back development can choose a different path, as there is also the option to become a qualified expert in both and be a full-stack developer. The websites and applications they create render both on the client and server side.

These developers have completely mastered the field of development, and their input is valuable as they can see the bigger picture in every situation. Full-stack developers have access to the best of both worlds.

They produce elements and services alongside APIs with problem-solving skills and domain logic and can retrieve databases, servers, cloud services, and more. Full-stack developers work with the complete stack of software.

Well-known software stacks include but are not limited to MEAN, NET, and LAMP, and all of them focus on a programming language of choice, such as C#, JavaScript, Java, Go, Python, or PHP.

To summarize, back-end development concerns the cloud, while front-end development concerns the browser. Computer engineers use them to fulfill the software development needs of the servers and the clients using various software.

The methodology and practical implications are evolving every day as the IT sector is taking great strides forward. Experts can seek different careers in either or both fields as they hold great promise and value today and in the future.