Top 10 Best Short Term Investment Types

Top 10 Best Short Term Investment Types

If you want to invest money soon, you're possibly looking for a secure location to store cash until you want it in the not-too-distant future. To understand what this type of investment is, check out short-term investments definition on Lite forex. Several investors held cash in 2020 due to turbulent markets and a sinking economy as the corona virus pandemic raged on— and 2021 is shaping up to be just as unpredictable as the industry regains lost momentum.

As a consequence, rather than spending money on a possibly risky investment, you'll like to be sure you have it whenever you need it. As a result, the most crucial factor to consider while making a short-term commitment is security.

Here are some of the short-term investments to consider that will still provide a profit:


This is a suitable alternative to keeping funds in a checking account, which generally yields minimal interest. The insurer will give interest on a constant schedule. Savings accounts should be compared since it's simple to figure out the banks give the best interest rates, and they're simple to activate.

Loss of any money is not possible since savings accounts are generally backed up by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at banks and the National Credit Union Administration. For shorter timeframes, the accounts are not risky to work with, but investors who retain their money for a longer period of time may face issues.

Corporate Bonds

These are the bonds issued by big businesses to support their investments. They're usually regarded as secure and pay interest on a consistent schedule, per quarter or two times a year. Bond funds are aggregates of corporate bonds from various firms, often from a multitude of sectors and levels. Because of the diversification, a poor-performing bond won't have a significant impact on the overall return.

Money Market Accounts

They are a type of bank deposit that normally pays a greater interest rate than savings accounts while also requiring a larger minimum commitment. Like savings accounts, they pose a long-term danger since their low rates make it hard for investors to match inflation.

Money market accounts are extremely liquid; however, withdrawals are restricted by federal law.

Cash Management Accounts

Investing, writing checks off the account, transferring money, and other usual bank-like actions are possible. Robo-advisors and online stock brokers are the most common providers of cash management accounts.

As a result, the cash management account provides you with a great deal of freedom. There is little risk because cash management accounts are frequently invested in low-danger, low-yield money market products.

Money may be accessed at any moment from cash management accounts and are also very liquid. These may be even better in this regard than standard savings and money market accounts, which have monthly withdrawal limits.

Fixed Deposits

Bank fixed deposits, which are safe investments, might be one of the finest short-term investment alternatives. In addition, several banks provide greater interest rates on FDs, which generally range from 3% to 9.25% each year. Investors can put their cash in the account for as little as seven days and as long as ten years.

Fixed Maturity Plans

Mutual funds that invest in money market and debt securities provide Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs). The lock-in duration for these funds might range from a month to 3 years. FMPs, on the other hand, are more tax-efficient than FDs, and you may expect higher returns.

Low-Duration Funds

The fund will put its money into debt and money market securities with a term of six to twelve months. Low-duration funds have a longer maturity than liquid and ultra-short-duration funds. These funds are known for their consistent and reliable returns.

Ultra Short Duration Funds

Investments in fixed-income instruments with a Macaulay term of 3 to 6 months are made by these funds. In comparison to liquid Debt funds, ultra short-term funds assist investors in avoiding interest rate risk while also providing greater returns.

Liquid Funds

Liquid Funds engage in short-term money market instruments, including Treasury Bills, Commercial Papers, and Term Deposits, among other things. Liquid funds are less volatile than other forms of debt securities and enable quick liquidity. These are also a superior alternative to regular bank savings accounts.


Treasury's are available in three varieties: T-bills, T-bonds, and T-notes, and they give the best in secure yield, guaranteed by the US government's AAA credit rating.

Although good short-term investments have many characteristics, they are usually distinguished by their stability, liquidity, and reduced transaction costs.