Diversification Techniques In MAM/PAMM Account Trading: Balancing Risk And Reward

Diversification Techniques In MAM/PAMM Account Trading: Balancing Risk And Reward

“Never put all eggs in one basket” is sage advice that must be strictly followed when it comes to controlling your risk in trading, even when you are having your accounts handled by a money manager. The meaning of this phrase is that you should spread your investments across several assets, markets or money managers to limit your exposure. Let’s learn more about diversification techniques in MAM and PAMM accounts.

The Importance of Diversification in Mam/Pamm Account Trading

Diversification is essential while using MAM and PAMM accounts, and there are several reasons behind it. First off, diversification is important to reduce the risk of loss. By allocating funds to multiple strategies or assets, you can reduce the impact of an underperforming asset on your overall portfolio. For instance, if one asset you have invested is not performing well, you can offset this risk with the help of gains from other assets that are performing well.

Secondly, when you diversify, you limit your risk exposure, which protects your account against substantial losses. When you invest your entire capital in a single asset or a strategy, you can lose all of it if the trade turns against you.

Thirdly, diversification is a brilliant method to maximise your profits. It allows you to capture and capitalise on a number of opportunities. When you allocate your funds across different markets, you can expect returns from all of them. Even when one or two investments don’t perform well, you still have chances to make an overall profit. The logic behind this is that different asset classes and strategies perform differently under various market conditions. Therefore, you can withstand market fluctuations and benefit from diverse market environments through diversification. This ultimately reduces your reliance on a single money manager or a trader. You get an opportunity to allocate funds to multiple traders with diverse expertise and benefit from their skills and knowledge. This will help you improve your confidence as an investor. You will be assured that your funds are distributed, so you won’t suffer huge losses.

There is no doubt that investing your time and money in a MAM/PAMM manager can be fruitful if you know the trick to diversify. Many people who don’t have time to trade or who have reached as far as practising trading in a demo account have invested in these managed accounts to create a source of passive income. But, they have ensured that allocating funds to different managers is always better to minimise the risk.

Diversification Strategies for Mam/Pamm Account Managers

As a MAM/PAMM account manager, implementing effective diversification strategies is essential to optimise portfolio performance and manage risk. Here are some diversification strategies that you can employ:

  1. Asset Class Diversification: Spread your investments across different types of assets like stocks, bonds, commodities, or currencies. This way, if one asset class isn't doing so well, you've got others to balance it out. You will be able to reduce exposure to any asset class's volatility.
  2. Sector Diversification: You can diversify even further within each asset class by investing in different sectors. For instance, if you are investing in stocks, you can consider different types of industries like tech, healthcare, finance, or consumer goods. By spreading your investments across sectors, you're not relying too heavily on just one sector's performance.
  3. Geographic Diversification: Invest in assets from different countries or regions. Economic conditions and events can vary across the globe, so diversifying geographically helps you spread the risk of being heavily impacted by any single country's specific factors.
  4. Strategy Diversification: Combine different trading strategies, for instance, you can have a mix of fundamental and technical analysis. This way, you can explore different strategies and find the one that’s more profitable for you.
  5. Trader Diversification: Deposit your funds with different managers because each trader has a different level of skills and trading styles, which you can leverage through diversification.

Diversification Tools and Indicators for Mam/Pamm Account Trading

Correlation Analysis: This one helps you see how different assets or strategies relate to each other. You can use tools that measure correlation to figure out if assets move in similar or opposite directions. By picking assets with lower correlation, you can diversify your portfolio better.

Asset Allocation Models: These models give you guidance on how to divide your money among different types of assets. They take into account historical data and your risk tolerance to help you find the optimal mix.

Risk Management Tools: Diversification goes hand in hand with managing risk. Tools like value-at-risk calculators, stop-loss orders, and trailing stops can help you set limits on how much you're willing to risk on each trade or in your overall portfolio. These tools are like your safety nets, helping you keep your risk exposure in check.

Fundamental Analysis Tools: These tools let you dive into the nitty-gritty of individual assets. You can analyse things like earnings, revenue, industry trends, and company fundamentals. This helps you make informed decisions about which assets to include in your portfolio.

Technical Analysis Indicators: Technical analysis tools give you insights into the assets' historical price and volume patterns. They help you spot trends, identify entry and exit points, and detect potential market reversals. It's like using clues from the past to make decisions about the future. These indicators can add another layer of diversification to your trading strategies.

Economic Calendars and News Platforms: Keeping up with the latest market news, economic events, and announcements is vital for successful diversification. Economic calendars and news platforms give you real-time information on things like economic indicators, central bank decisions, and important news that can move the markets. By staying informed, you can adjust your portfolio and diversify accordingly.

Challenges and Considerations in Diversification for Mam/Pamm Accounts

Diversification in MAM/PAMM accounts is smart, but is it free from challenges? Certainly not, so let’s have a look at what you might face along the way:

The biggest challenge is to balance risk and return. While diversification helps manage risk, it may limit the potential for big returns. By spreading your investments across different assets or strategies, you might miss out on the chance to hit it big with a single investment. It's all about finding the right balance between risk and reward. You can also use trading calculators or other tools to determine the right risk-to-reward ratio.

The next big challenge is over-diversification, which happens when you spread yourself too thin and have too many investments. It makes it hard to see the impact of successful investments. Managing a bunch of positions can be a real headache, leading to inefficiency and increased costs. Therefore, you should keep it simple and only spread across three or five assets.

Diversification can be complex to achieve sometimes. Keeping tabs on each component becomes a challenge with multiple assets, strategies, and traders in play. You need proper monitoring systems and tools to track the portfolio and ensure you meet your diversification goals. Moreover, if you don’t understand how assets or strategies relate to each other, you are least likely to get anything from diversification. Highly correlated investments move in the same direction, and if the market gets rocky, you can increase your losses.

Diversifying across different asset classes or markets can also bring liquidity issues to the table. Some investments may lack liquidity, making it harder to adjust your positions or exit trades quickly. Make sure you consider the liquidity requirements of each investment and keep your overall portfolio liquid enough.

Diversification can bring additional costs like trading fees, management fees, and administrative expenses. As your investments and strategies multiply, so can the expenses. Managing these costs and understanding how they affect your portfolio returns is crucial.


Diversification can be extremely beneficial while using managed accounts, but you should remember that it requires discipline and a long-term perspective. It can be tough when some investments underperform, or your portfolio doesn't match the stellar returns of a single asset. However, when you stay committed to your diversification strategy and avoid letting emotions sway your decisions, you can reap good rewards. Make sure to keep your eyes on the bigger picture.