Work Life Balance Tips For Millennials

Millennials are a generation of men and women who are more interested in balancing their work and life than having it all. Generations like the Baby Boomers had a different outlook on life. You find a job, get married, have some babies, buy a home and follow the cookie cutter world society put in place for you.

Millennials don’t see it that way. This is a generation that wants to jump out of an airplane, more likely to get a sleeve tattoo on their arm and design an app for smartphones. Millennials are young in a world where innovations in technology are on the rise. The world is not the same as the one the Baby Boomers were born into and, as Millennials, we have had to learn to adapt.

Work is important, but so is your life. This means the way you eat, the way you relax, how you sleep and how you play. Play and rest is every bit as important to our quality of life and Millennials know that. So, take a look at these tips on how a Millennial should balance their life and their work.

Take Care of You

Having a good bill of health is important for anyone, not only Millennials. This can be achieved in many ways.


Rest is important. In fact, it’s as important as work, working out and what foods you put in your body. If you find that sleep is something you're having a difficult time getting, then you need to look at this seriously. A well-rested person has a better opportunity to balance their work and personal life.

There are quite a few reasons why someone might not be getting the sleep they need. Insomnia and Sleep Apnea are a few medical reasons. Pain in your body could be another. Back pain is a common cause of sleep interruption. If you can identify with back pain, then maybe it’s time you look into getting a new mattress

Stop sleeping on that futon and invest in a real mattress that can help with that back pain. The Sleep Judge has reviewed the best mattresses available on the market to deal with back pain. We suggest educating yourself, which is the smart choice when making any large purchase.


Make sure to stick to a regular workout regimen. You can try jogging or yoga or cycling. This all depends on your preferences. The important part is getting your blood flowing and your heart rate up at least three times a week.

When you are in good physical shape, you will sleep better and feel better. This will spill over into your work and personal life.


What you eat is as important as working out when it comes to health. What you put in your body will show up as extra pounds if you aren’t careful. This is something else that depends on you. We choose what to put in our bodies so why not make it something that will give you energy for that work out or to get that project completed.

Sugar may give you an instant rush but it’s basically just empty calories. A cup of coffee in the morning is fine but too much and you’ll find that sleeping will be difficult. Put healthy foods in and your body will show healthy results.

Keep Hydrated

Our bodies are made up of a good deal of water and it is important to keep the water flowing. The suggested amount of water to drink is eight 8-ounce glasses a day. This isn’t hard to accomplish, and your body will love you for it. In return you will find that balancing your work with your personal life flow like a smooth-running river.

Work At What You Love

If you are a writer, write. If you play the guitar, learn a new riff. The point here is that find something that you love and create a life around that. They say that most artists have to find other jobs to pay the bills because art doesn't pay and yes, this is true for some. Yet, even those who live minimally are very happy because they are doing what they love.

This doesn't only apply to artists either. Do you love competing and helping people? A career in politics might be good for you. Are you a fan of following the stock market? Take a walk down Wall Street. If you love what you do, then that’s half the battle.

Know When To Say When

Sometimes we can get into a workflow and not realize that the sun has gone down, and we forget to have dinner. This is when you need to step away from the desk and take a break.

It’s called work-life balance for a reason. Imagine you have a scale and your work sits on one side while things like family, hobbies, entertainment and all the reasons we work in the first place were all sitting together opposite of your work. Which side of the scale would sink further down?

If your answer was work, then there is a problem and you need to start taking better care of yourself. If the other side is heavier and you aren’t in any financial strife then congratulations, you are living life well.


The world doesn't have the same things to offer the Millennial generation as it did previous generations. Yet, there are new opportunities that our grandparents never dreamed would be possible. Carve a place in this world for yourself and do so by having a great life that balances well with your job.