When you should consider a family lawyer for dads

When it comes to divorce, separations and child custody battles, fathers can often feel like they don’t have a leg to stand on. Many fathers feel that there is an injustice in the system towards dads, and that it is unlikely they will receive a fair go. This doesn’t have to be the case. Finding an excellent family law attorney who is willing to fight is a great first step to take. Finding legal representation is the perfect way for someone to feel safe, supported and like there is somebody they can trust. The courtroom can be a scary and intimidating place with its own special language. This is why family law for dads is so important. A representative is needed to best translate court lingo, to give legal advice based on the scenario at hand as well as to deal with all legal documents. It is important to find a representative who is easy to stay in communication with, and has many relevant contacts that may be needed such as counselling services. It can be a difficult time when child arrangement or separation arrangements cannot be agreed upon by both parties, so it is important to receive as much support as possible during these trying periods.

What are a parent’s responsibilities?

When it comes to a child, both parents are responsible until they are eighteen years old. This does not change if a partnership dissolves and parents decide to live apart. While some lucky ones are able to resolve parenting responsibilities outside of court, many cannot, and fathers are left feeling lost. This is where family law for dads can step in. A great attorney can work with a dad and device a plan to achieve the best-case scenario. The amount of time spent with a child can be established, what holidays they can have them on as well as what communication they can have with their child when they are not with them. Further factors can be discussed such as who the child is going to live with, the amount of time they can spend with other family members such as grandparents, and the amount of welfare/child custody payments that will need to be paid. Establishing a goal and game plan can help dads feel like they are in power again and like they have something to work towards.

Important things to remember

Another great reason to seek the support of a family lawyer for dads, is because information on how to act throughout the proceedings can be given. There are a few important things to remember when going through a trial that will help all parties involved. Some of these things include remaining cool and calm, not resorting to character assassination, not resorting to threats of any kind and not using the children to try to win a custody battle. The courts will always have the children’s best interest first and foremost, so it is always important to shield them from the negative sides of a separation as best as possible. It is also important to remember to go after what is wanted, but leave room for compromise. This can often lead to more peaceful proceedings and can solve issues a lot faster. Finally, it is very important to negotiate for only what is wanted. Commonly people go after what they believe is right, instead of what is realistic. For example, it is important to establish exactly how much time there is in the day to care for a child and if it is realistic to fight for joint custody.

At the end of the day, a separation can be a good thing and can lead to both parties starting fresh. Seeking the support of a lawyer is a great way to get through the process with the least amount of stress and damage as possible.